Online Tutoring Index :
12th Grade Math :
Linear Algebra
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Our 12th Linear Algebra Grade Online Tutoring program is designed to help you get the desired grade by mastering the subject.
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This is a representative list of topics covered in our Grade 12 Math - Linear Algebra program. However all our programs will be customized for the individual student.
- Types of linear systems
Types of linear systems - inconsistent (have no solutions)
Types of linear systems - have exactly one solution
Types of linear systems - have infinitely many solutions
Gauss-Jordan elimination, Gauss-Jordan method
Gauss-Jordan elimination
Gauss-Jordan method
Vectors and vector addition
Geometric interpretation of vectors
Vector addition
Geometrical solution sets of systems of equations
Geometrical solution sets of systems of equations
Rectangular matrices to row echelon form
Matrix multiplication
Inverse to a square matrix
Determinants of 2 by 2 and 3 by 3 matrices
Determinant of 2 by 2 matrix (square matrix)
Determinant of 3 by 3 matrix (square matrix)
Row reduction methods, Cramer's rule
Row reduction methods to compute inverse
Cramer's rule to compute inverse
Scalar (dot) product
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