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12th Grade Math :
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Our 12th Calculus Grade Online Tutoring program is designed to help you get the desired grade by mastering the subject.
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This is a representative list of topics covered in our Grade 12 Math - Calculus program. However all our programs will be customized for the individual student.
- Limits- operations on functions
Limits of sums
Limits of products
Limits of quotients
Limits of composition of functions
Continuity of a function
Intermediate value, extreme value theorem
Intermediate value theorem
Extreme value theorem
Derivatives, differentiability
Derivative of a function at a point
Derivatives of higher orders
Derivatives of functions
Derivatives of algebraic functions
Derivatives of trigonometric functions
Derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions
Derivatives of exponential functions
Derivatives of logarithmic functions
Chain rule
Mean value theorem
Maxima, minima, inflection points, intervals
Inflection points
Newton's method (approximating the zeros of a function)
Differentiation to solve problems
Differentiation to solve optimization problems
Differentiation to solve rate problems
Definite/indefinite integrals
Definite integrals
Indefinite integrals
Riemann sums
Fundamental theorem of calculus
Definite integrals problems
Definite integrals in problems involving area
Definite integrals in problems involving velocity
Definite integrals in problems involving acceleration
Definite integrals in problems involving volume of a solid
Definite integrals in problems involving area of a surface of revolution
Definite integrals in problems involving length of a curve
Definite integrals in problems involving work
Techniques of integration
Techniques of integration – substitution
Techniques of integration - integration by parts
Techniques of integration - trigonometric substitution
Inverse trigonometric functions
Integrals of functions
Integrals of rational functions
Integrals of trigonometric functions
Simpson's rule, Newton's method
Simpson's rule
Newton's method
Improper integrals (limits of definite integrals)
Tests for convergence/divergence of sequences/series
Convergence and divergence of sequences of real numbers
Convergence and divergence of series of real numbers
Comparison test
Ratio test
Alternate series test
Power series, Taylor series/polynomials
Power series
Taylor series
Taylor polynomials
Elementary differential equations
Solutions of selected elementary differential equations
Applications of elementary differential equations - growth-and-decay problems
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