Online Tutoring Index :
12th Grade Math :
Algebra - I
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Our 12th Algebra Grade Online Tutoring program is designed to help you get the desired grade by mastering the subject.
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This is a representative list of topics covered in our Grade 12 Math - Algebra program. However all our programs will be customized for the individual student.
- Linear equations/inequalities
Linear equations
Linear inequalities
Monomials and polynomials
Operations on monomials
- Operations on polynomials
Factoring second and third degree polynomials
Basic factoring techniques to second and simple third-degree polynomials
Difference of two squares
Perfect squares of binomials
Rational expressions/function
Operations on rational expressions
Operations on rational functions
Quadratic equations
Quadratic equations – formula
Quadratic equations - completion of squares
Problems involving quadratic equations (motion of object under gravity)
Quadratic functions
Graphs of quadratic functions
Effects of changes in the parameters of quadratic functions
Exponents, factors, variation, exponential growth/decay
Laws of exponents
Inverse variation
Exponential growth and decay
Hypothesis and counterexamples
Correlation for data
Positive correlation for data approximating linear situations
Negative correlation for data approximating linear situations
No correlation for data approximating linear situations
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