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12th Grade Math :
Algebra - II
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Our 12th Algebra Grade Online Tutoring program is designed to help you get the desired grade by mastering the subject.
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This is a representative list of topics covered in our Grade 12 Math - Algebra program. However all our programs will be customized for the individual student.
Absolute value to solve equations/inequalities
Solve equations involving absolute value
Solve inequalities involving absolute value
Systems of linear equations/inequalities
Solve systems of linear equations
(in two or three variables) by substitution
Solve systems of linear equations
(in two or three variables) with graphs
Solve systems of linear equations
(in two or three variables) with matrices
Solve systems of linear inequalities
(in two or three variables) by substitution
Solve systems of linear inequalities
(in two or three variables) with graphs
Solve systems of linear inequalities
(in two or three variables) with matrices
Operations on polynomials
Polynomial addition
Polynomial subtraction
Polynomial multiplication
Polynomial division (including long division)
Factoring polynomials/trinomials
Polynomials representing the difference of squares
Perfect square trinomials
Sum of two cubes
Difference of two cubes
Operations on complex numbers
Represent complex numbers arithmetically
Represent complex numbers graphically
Add complex numbers
Subtract complex numbers
Multiply complex numbers
Divide complex numbers
Operations on rational expressions
Rational expressions – addition
Rational expressions – subtraction
Rational expressions – multiplication
Rational expressions – division
Evaluating rational expressions with
negative exponents in the denominator
Graphing quadratic equations
Graph quadratic equations by factoring
Graph quadratic equations by completing the square
Graph quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula
Quadratic equations in complex number system
Quadratic functions
Maxima of a quadratic function
Minima of a quadratic function
Zeros of a quadratic function
Laws and properties of logarithms
Simple laws and properties of logarithms
Converting to logarithm of any base
Logarithmic numeric expressions
Fractional exponents, exponential functions
Laws of fractional exponents
Exponential functions
Exponential growth and decay
Conic sections
Graph of a conic section (asymptotes, foci, eccentricity)
Ellipse, parabola, hyperbola
Equation of ellipse
Equation of parabola
Equation of hyperbola
Binomial theorem
Types of series
Arithmetic series
Geometric series
Finite series
Infinite series
Composition of functions
Continuous and discrete functions
Domains and ranges for continuous functions
Domains and ranges for discrete functions
Complex numbers for solutions of quadratic equations
Properties of exponents
Systems of equations/inequalities
Systems of equations in two or more unknowns
Systems of inequalities in two or more unknowns
Estimation of solutions
Standard functions
Linear functions
Quadratic functions
Logarithmic functions
Rational functions
Square root functions
Absolute value of x
Square root of x
Reciprocal of x
Inverse of a function
Solutions of function equations
Solutions of function equations using graphs
Solutions of function equations using tables
Solutions of function equations using algebraic methods
Slope/various forms of equation of line
Slopes from graphs
Slopes from tables
Slopes from algebraic representations
y=mx+b format
Equations of lines given two points
Equations of lines given a point and a slope - point-slope formula
Equations of lines given a slope and y-intercept
Zeros of linear functions
Slopes of parallel lines
Slopes of perpendicular lines
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