The events happened on 12th December are :
2000 : U.S. Supreme Court decision on the presidential election : On this day in 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively awarded the presidency to George W. Bush, ruling that a fair recount of ballots in Florida could not be performed by the deadline for certifying the state's electors.
1964 : Kenya became a republic on the first anniversary of its independence from Britain.
1936 : Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek was seized by one of his own generals, Chang Hsüeh-liang, beginning the Sian Incident.
1915 : Popular American singer Frank Sinatra, who also achieved wide success as a motion-picture actor, was born in Hoboken, New Jersey.
1846 : New Granada (now Colombia and Panama) signed the Bidlack Treaty with the United States, granting U.S. right-of-way across the Isthmus of Panama in exchange for a guarantee of neutrality for the isthmus and the sovereignty of New Granada.
11th December | 13th December
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