10 Commandments of Dating
The 10 Commandments of Dating are :
Rabbi Simcha Feuerman : CSW and
Chaya Feuerman : CSW Psychotherapists
Many people have heard of and benefited from Rabbi Avigdor Miller's Ten Commandments of Marriage. Rabbi Avigdor Miller's commandments focussed on loyalty to one's spouse and making every effort to avoid cycles of hurt and resentment. Dating however is a different story. After all, why be loyal to someone who you may not marry? Isn't it better to reject an unsuitable person before becoming married than to learn to forgive and overlook flaws? The dilemma is how can you tell if you are being wise and prudent or picky and selfish? We therefore thought it might be helpful to suggest commandments for dating and this chapter is our attempt to distil some of the concepts we have developed about relationships into useful guidelines.
- Stay in the Here and Now :
When dating, it is very important to concentrate on the experience of being with the person. You should not let your mind wander into thinking about past relationships or future possibilities. Just listen to your date, share your thoughts and enjoy the moment. After the date you can spend as much time analyzing it as you would like.
- Assess Your Ability to Solve Problems Together :
We believe this to be the single most important quality that a successful relationship must have. Even the best of marriages and the most compatible people experience serious and difficult challenges over the years. Ask yourself, "Is this the person I want with me during the bad times as well as the good?"
- Don't Give Up :
No matter how long it takes for you to find your basher, don't become jaded or cynical. We know it's easy to say and a lot harder to do, but it's the plain and simple truth. There is absolutely nothing helpful or constructive about giving up.
- Look for A Positive Fit with Family Styles and Similar Values :
While one shouldn't rule out any person simply on the basis of him or her having a different background, the chances for success are higher when there are basic similarities. When a shidduch is being suggested, of course you are trying to find out about the individual, but make sure to ask yourself is this the kind of family I would be comfortable with? Are the brothers, sisters and parents the kind of people that will eventually feel to me like my own family?
- Don't Confuse Values with Religious Customs and Practice :
Although it may be ideal to have identical or similar religious practices as well as backgrounds, do not rule out someone who has different religious practices or customs. The main thing is not the practice, but if you share common values. For example, if one person is more yeshivish and the other more Torah Umaddah style, if both are serious about avodas Hashem, the details can be resolved. Of course, don't wait until the kids are bar and bas mitzvah to work on it! Some matters of religious practice are non-negotiable. It would be a good idea to find a Rabbi whom you both respect and whose rulings you both can agree to accept.
- Have A Low Tolerance for Abuse :
If your prospective mate broke a confidence, was deceitful in any major way or was abusive, this is a bad sign that there will be future problems. To be sure, you should always give a person the benefit of the doubt and state what he or she did wrong, but if it is part of a recurring pattern, cut that fish loose before it's too late!
- Ask Yourself If You Can Trust This Person :
Trust is a key ingredient in a relationship. If over time you are not getting the feeling that you trust this person, follow your instincts and leave while you can.
- Don't Be Afraid to Succeed :
Though it is difficult to admit, some people are afraid to succeed. Having a successful relationship may inadvertently hurt other family members. For example, a youngest or only child of a widowed parent might find it difficult to marry and abandon his parent. Or a younger sibling might feel bad about getting married before an older sibling. In the long run, if you let these fears run your life, no one will be happy. On the other hand, if you are unafraid to do what is healthy and appropriate for you, this may actually liberate others in your family to live their lives to the fullest.
- Trust Your Friends :
Getting an objective opinion can be really crucial when you are making serious life decisions. Don't be afraid to share your anxiety and ask for their thoughts.
- Don't Be Swayed by Romance and Passion :
Romance is a great thing if you have it, but it does not necessarily predict or assure success in a relationship. You can have strong feelings for someone who ultimately is not the best choice for a marriage partner. Some people are attracted to those who hurt them and others start off relationships being attracted to the same qualities that they ultimately end up despising. Therefore, although it is important to feel attracted to your potential mate and you certainly should not marry someone who you have no positive feelings for, what you should be looking for are shared values, mutual respect and an ability to enjoy each other's company. If you just have passion and romance without the above and when it wears off you are left with nothing.
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