Teaching Nursery Rhymes

Teaching Nursery Rhymes:

Nursery rhymes are a delight to listen to and sing. Most of us grew up with nursery rhymes and familiar sounds associated with their content, structure and vocabulary. While teaching teachers relive those moments of joyful learning of their own childhood. They are a treasure trove of ideas for activities that help the learner develop language and communication skills. An eclectic range of pedagogical, linguistic and communicative possibilities can be profitably exploited with imaginative planning. Learning to speak a second language, in this case English is not an easy task for children. It requires both recognition and production of the speech sounds of English. Any method, technique or material used should make the teaching – learning process interesting and productive.

Do you know?

One of the most delightful ways of practicing English is Nursery Rhymes as they are known in England and Mother Goose songs in America. Reading Nursery Rhymes aloud day after day is one of the best ways to familiarize ourselves with the beauties in English Language. All the people including the childrena dn elders can use this simple method to improve their English language skills.


  1. Why teach Nursery Rhymes?
  2. How to Teach Nursery Rhymes?
  3. How to Say Nursery Rhymes?
  4. A Way of Saying A Nursery Rhyme
  5. Individual and Group Choral Speaking
  6. Cumulative Choral Speaking
  7. Refrain Choral Speaking
  8. Part Choral Speaking
  9. Preparation for A Language Game and Nursery Rhymes
  10. Role-Play and Teaching of Nursery Rhymes
  11. Dialogue while Teaching of Nursery Rhymes
  12. Teaching of Nursery Rhyme
  13. Storytelling
  14. Different Ways of Storytelling
  15. Selection of Stories
  16. Storytelling By Children
  17. Singing and Nursery Rhyme
  18. Engaging in Finger-Play while Story-Telling
  19. Preparation for Finger Play

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