Singular Nouns :
Nouns and Numbers
Number is that attribute of Nouns which indicates whether ONE or MORE than ONE is meant. Nouns have two numbers - the SINGULAR and the PLURAL. The Singular denotes ONE. The Plural denotes MORE THAN ONE.
Modes of Forming The Plural
Plural in S
Nouns generally are made Plural by adding S to the Singular as book - books.
Plural in ES
Nouns ending in CH soft, S, SH, X and Z are made Plural by adding ES as…..
Church – churches
Miss – misses
Lash – lashes
Box – boxes
Topaz - topazes
Note : Nouns ending in O differ as to the mode of forming the plural. Some form the plural by adding ES as cargo - cargoes. Others form the plural by adding simply S as canto - cantos.
Exercise : Spell the plural of negro, lynx, quiz, radish, patriarch, peach, mass, rhombus, trio, motto, folio and halo.
Plural in VES
Nouns ending in single F or in FE are made Plural by changing F or FE into VES as…
Loaf – loaves
Life - lives
Note : Nouns in double FF follow the general rule as muff - muffs.
Exercise. — Spell the plural of wharf, half, cuff, leaf, beef, calf, thief and wife.
Plural in IES
Nouns ending in Y after a consonant are made Plural by changing y into IES as
Lady - ladies
Note : Nouns ending in Y after a vowel do not change Y into IES but form the plural by the general rule as day - days.
Exercise : Spell the plural of the following - Hay, toy, chimney, tray, artery, Monday, February, buoy, boy, attorney, valley and money.
Nouns Irregular in The Plural
Singular– Piural
Man– men
Woman– women
Child– children
Foot– feet
Ox– oxen
Tooth– teeth
Goose– geese
Mouse– mice
Louse– lice
Exercises : Change the following nouns into the plural and give the Rule for each change.
Sky, church, array, wolf, knife, leaf, wish, crucifix, fish, crutch, monarch, peach, patriarch, kiss, sex, pony, ox, calf, muff, leaf, radish, valley, turkey, half, money and thief.
Name all the nouns in the following sentences and state in regard to each
(I) whether it is proper or common
(2) its gender
(3) its number
James and his sister study their lesson in the same hook.
I learned the facts from Mary while going home.
A great many pigeons were seen on the top of the house.
Mice are great thieves. They exercise their nimble feet when they hear the cat coming.
Name (or write) five nouns in the singular number, five in the plural number.
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