Phrases :
A group of words may take the place of a part of speech.
Examples :
The Father of Waters is the Mississippi.
A girl with blue eyes stood at the window.
You are looking well.
THE FATHER OF WATERS is used as a noun, since it names something.
WITH BLUE EYES takes the place of an adjective (blue-eyed) and modifies GIRL.
AT THE WINDOW indicates, as an adverb might, where the girl stood and modifies STOOD.
A group of connected words, not containing a subject and a predicate, is called a phrase.
A phrase is often equivalent to a part of speech.
A phrase used as a noun is called a noun-phrase.
A phrase used as a verb is called a verb-phrase.
A phrase used as an adjective is called an adjective phrase.
A phrase used as an adverb is called an adverbial phrase.
In the examples above…
THE FATHER OF WATERS is a noun-phrase.
WITH BLUE EYES is an adjective phrase.
AT THE WINDOW is an adverbial phrase.
ARE LOOKING is a verb-phrase.
Many adjective and adverbial phrases consist of a preposition and its object with or without other words.
Your umbrella is in the corner.
He has a heart of oak.
A cup with a broken handle stood on the shelf.
My house of cards fell to the floor in a heap.
Adjective or adverbial phrases consisting of a preposition and its object, with or without other words, may be called PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES.
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