Parse The Nouns :
Parse the Prepositions and the Nouns or Pronouns governed by them in the following sentences.
1. When the widow stood beside the grave of her husband, she thought over his many acts of kindness towards her. Now he was to rest beneath the clods of the valley and she was to be left without a partner. The good minister told her to look for comfort in her affliction unto her heavenly Father and to think of that blissful abode above the weary world and of that better life beyond the grave.
2. Turn to the left.
3. He selected an apple from the best in his orchard.
4. Mary looks like her mother.
5. Charles, give me that book.
6. His ability won him much renown.
7. The clouds seemed like piles of snow.
8. A bird can fly twenty miles an hour.
9. Children near the sea gather shells.
10. The merchant sold mother, for fifty cents, a yard of silk worth one dollar, and promised to get her some better silk at a less price the next week.
Parse all the Subjects, Verbs, and Objects of Verbs in the foregoing sentences.
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