
Nouns :

A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.

Examples : Lincoln, William, Elizabeth, sister, engineer, Chicago, island, shelf, star, window, happiness, anger, sidewalk, courage, loss, song

There are many nouns which are frequently used in sentences both in spoken forms and in written forms. Here is the list of those nouns which one could come across in the sentences. For those who want to develop the reading-habit, understanding these nouns will come in handy.

300 Common Nouns :

  1. Airplane
  2. Ankle
  3. Apples
  4. Arm
  5. Baby
  6. Bag
  7. Bagel
  8. Backpack
  9. Balloons
  10. Balls
  11. Bananas
  12. Bandaid
  13. Barn
  14. Bat (Baseball)
  15. Bathtub-Tub
  16. Battery
  17. Bead
  18. Bean
  19. Bear
  20. Bed
  21. Bee - Bumblebee
  22. Bell
  23. Belt
  24. Bike
  25. Bird
  26. Blanket
  27. Blocks
  28. Boat
  29. Books
  30. Boots
  31. Bottle (baby)
  32. Bottle (water)
  33. Bow
  34. Bowl
  35. Box
  36. Bracelet
  37. Bread
  38. Bridge
  39. Broom
  40. Brush
  41. Bubbles
  42. Bucket
  43. Bug
  44. Bus/School bus
  45. Butter
  46. Butterfly
  47. Button
  48. Cake
  49. Camera
  50. Candle
  51. Candy
  52. Car
  53. Carrots
  54. Cat
  55. CD
  56. Cereal
  57. Chair
  58. Chalk
  59. Cheese
  60. Cherry
  61. Chicken
  62. Chips
  63. Circle
  64. Clock
  65. Cloud
  66. Clown
  67. Coloring Book
  68. Comb
  69. Computer
  70. Cookies
  71. Corn
  72. Cow
  73. Crackers
  74. Crayons
  75. Crown
  76. Cup
  77. Cupcake
  78. Curtain
  79. Diaper
  80. Dinosaur
  81. Dog
  82. Dolls
  83. Door
  84. Dolphin
  85. Doughnut
  86. Dress
  87. Dresser
  88. Drum
  89. Duck
  90. Ear
  91. Earring
  92. Eggs
  93. v Elbow
  94. Elephant
  95. Envelope
  96. Eyes
  97. Feather
  98. Feet
  99. Fence
  100. Fingernail
  101. Fingers
  102. Fire
  103. Fire truck
  104. Fish
  105. Flashlight
  106. Flower
  107. Fly
  108. Fork
  109. Fries
  110. Frog
  111. Garbage Can
  112. Ghost
  113. Giraffe
  114. (Eye) Glasses
  115. Glove
  116. Glue
  117. Goal
  118. Grapes
  119. Grass
  120. Hair
  121. Hamburger
  122. Hammer
  123. Hands
  124. Hanger
  125. Hat
  126. Head
  127. Heart
  128. Helicopter
  129. Hips
  130. Hoop
  131. Horse
  132. Hose
  133. Hot Dog
  134. House
  135. Ice Cream
  136. Iron
  137. Jacket-Coat
  138. Juice
  139. Jump rope
  140. Kangaroo
  141. Keys
  142. Knee
  143. Knife
  144. Ladder
  145. Lamp-Light
  146. Leaf
  147. Leg
  148. Lion
  149. Lizard
  150. Lunch
  151. Magazine
  152. Mailbox
  153. Marker
  154. Meat- Steak-Beef
  155. Microphone
  156. Milk
  157. Mirror
  158. Money
  159. Monkey
  160. Moon
  161. Motorcycle
  162. Mountain
  163. Mouse
  164. Mouth
  165. Movie
  166. Napkin
  167. Necklace
  168. Nest
  169. Net
  170. Newspaper
  171. Nose
  172. Octopus
  173. Oranges
  174. Owl
  175. Paints
  176. Pajamas
  177. Pan / Pot
  178. Pants
  179. Paper
  180. Paper Towels
  181. Pear
  182. Peas
  183. Pen
  184. Pencil
  185. Phone
  186. Pie
  187. Pig
  188. Pillow
  189. Pirate
  190. Pizza
  191. Plate-Dish
  192. Play dough
  193. Pool
  194. Popcorn
  195. Popsicle
  196. Pot-Pan
  197. Potatoes
  198. Pretzel
  199. Princess
  200. Pudding
  201. Pumpkin
  202. Puppets
  203. Purse
  204. Puzzles
  205. Rabbit
  206. Radio-Music
  207. Rain
  208. Rainbow
  209. Raisins
  210. Refrigerator
  211. Rice
  212. Ring
  213. Rock
  214. Rope
  215. Sand
  216. Sandwich
  217. Scissors
  218. Scooter
  219. Shampoo
  220. Sheep
  221. Shirt
  222. Shoes
  223. Shorts
  224. Shoulders
  225. Shovel
  226. Sink
  227. Skateboard
  228. Slide
  229. Slinky
  230. Snake
  231. Snow
  232. Soap
  233. Socks
  234. Soda
  235. Sofa-Couch
  236. Soup
  237. Spaghetti
  238. Spider
  239. Spiderweb
  240. Spoon
  241. Square
  242. Squirrel
  243. Stairs
  244. Stars
  245. Stick
  246. Sticker
  247. Stove
  248. Strawberries
  249. Stamps
  250. Stool
  251. Straw
  252. String
  253. Suitcase
  254. Sun
  255. Sunglasses
  256. Sweater
  257. Swimsuit
  258. Swing (obj)
  259. Table
  260. Taco
  261. Tape
  262. Teapot
  263. Teddy Bear
  264. Teeth
  265. Tie
  266. Tiger
  267. Toes
  268. Toilet Paper
  269. Toilet/Potty
  270. Tomatoes
  271. Tongue
  272. Toothbrush
  273. Toy
  274. Towels
  275. Tractor
  276. Train
  277. Tree
  278. Triangle
  279. Tricycle
  280. Truck
  281. Tummy
  282. Turtle
  283. TV
  284. Umbrella
  285. Underwear
  286. Vacuum
  287. Video Tape
  288. Waffle
  289. Wagon
  290. Washcloth
  291. Watch
  292. Water
  293. Wheel
  294. Whistle
  295. Window
  296. Wing
  297. Yogurt
  298. Yo-yo
  299. Zebra
  300. Zipper

Nouns :

Grammar Index


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