Models for Parsing in Verb and Subject Agreement Rules

Models for Parsing in Verb and Subject Agreement Rules :

James wrote a letter.

WROTE is a transitive verb, irregular verb, active voice, indicative mood, past tense and is in the singular number, third person to agree with its subject James.

To steal renders us liable to punishment.

RENDERS is a transitive verb, irregular verb, active voice, indicative mood, present tense and in the singular noun to agree with its subject TO STEAL a verb in the infinitive mood used as a noun.

THOU SHALL NOT STEAL is the eighth commandment.

IS is an intransitive verb, irregular verb, indicative mood, present tense, third person , singular verb to agree with its subject THOU SHALL NOT STEAL a part of a sentence used as a noun.

Socrates and Plato were wise.

WERE is an intransitive verb, irregular verb, indicative mood, past tense, third person , singular verb because it has two subjects SOCRATES and PLATO connected by AND according.

If that skilful painter and glazier is in town, be sure to employ him.

IS is an intransitive verb, irregular verb, indicative mood, present tense, third person , singular verb because its two subjects PAINTER and GLAZIER express only one person.

Ignorance or prejudice has caused the mistake.

HAS CAUSED is a transitive verb, regular verb, indicative mood, present perfect tense, third person , singular verb because its two subjects IGNORANCE and PREJUDICE are in the singular, connected by OR.

He and I shared the peach between us.

SHARED is a transitive verb, regular verb, indicative mood, past tense, third person , singular verb because it has two subjects connected by AND.

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