Models for Parsing in Syntax :
James wrote a letter.
JAMES is a proper noun, masculine gender, singular number, third person, nominative case, subject of the verb WROTE according to Rule which says that The subject of the verb must be in the nominative case.
He will write a letter.
HE is a personal pronoun, masculine gender, third person, nominative case, subject of the verb WILL WRITE according to Rule.
In parsing pronouns, certain other things are to be stated which will be learned under Rule. The parsing in the model is complete so far as it can be given now.
To steal will render us liable to punishment.
TO STEAL is a verb in the infinitive mood, used ns a noun. It is in the neutral gender, singular noun, third person, nominative case and is the subject of the verb WILL RENDER according to Note under Rule.
Thou shall not kill …. is a divine command.
Thou shalt not kill … is a part of a sentence used as a noun. It is the neutral gender, singular noun, third person, nominative case and is the subject of the verb IS
according to Note under Rule.
Father, forgive them.
FATHER is a common noun, masculine gender, singular number, second person, nominative case independent, subject of the verb according to Note under Rule I.
The sash falling suddenly, his finger was crushed.
SASHES is a common noun, masculine gender, singular number, third person and in the nominative ease absolute before the participle FALLING according to Note under Rule I.
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