mega & megalo1. Megadont : MEGA don’t (meg’ a don’t) adj. Having large teeth 2. Megadynamics : MEGA dynamics (meg a die nam’ iks) n. Mechanics of the major earth movements 3. Megapod : MEGA pod (meg’ a pod) adj. Large footed 4. Megafog : MEGA fog (meg; a fog) n. Instrument to give directions to befogged ships 5. Megalith : MEGA lith (meg’ a lith) n. Prehistoric stone monument 6. Megaphone : MEGA phone (meg’ a fone) n. A device for magnifying sound 7. Megameter : MEGA meter (meg am’ e ter) n. Instrument for observing the stars in order to determine longitude 8. Megascopic : MEGA scopic (meg’ a skop ik) adj. Enlarged; visible to the naked eye 9. Megatherm : MEGA therm (meg’ a therm) n. Any plant which requires great head and abundant moisture for growth 10. Megalethoscope : MEGA lethoscope (meg a leth’ o skope) n. Delusions of grandeur 12. Megalophonous : MEGALO phonous (meg al o fon’ us) adj. Having a loud voice 13. Megalophthalmus: MEGALO phthalmus (meg al of thal’ mus) adj. Having large eyes 14. Megalopolis : MEGALO polis (meg a lop’ o lis) n. A very large city 15. Megalosaurus : MEGALO saurus (meg a lo so’ rus) n. A carnivorous dinosaur 16. Megaloscope : MEGALO scope (meg’ a lo skope) n. An endoscope with an apparatus for magnifying 17. Acromegaly : acro MEGA ly (ak ro meg’ a lee) n. Disease marked by the enlargement of the face and extremities 18. Megaprosopous : MEGA prosopous (meg a pros’ o pus) n. Disease characterized by a large face 19. Megaptera : MEGA ptera (me gap’ ter a) n. Humpbacked whales 20. Megapodidae : MEGA podidae (meg a po die’ i dee) n. A genus of large-footed bird | ||||||||