
ROOT-WORD is the Suffix ISH. It means ORIGIN as in No. 11, IrISH; NATURE, as in No.10, amateurish, RESEMBLING, as in No.9, clownISH. In the last two there is an uncomplimentary element. Usually ISH makes adjectives of nouns. Sometimes verbs have this Suffix for no apparent reason, as perISH, nourISH, etc.

1. Boorish :boor ISH (boor’ ish) adj.

A lout; a churl; as, a boorish man

2. Ghoulish :ghoul ISH (gu’ lish) adj.

Like a ghoul

3. Brutish :brut ISH (brut’ ish) adj.

Like a brute; rough

4. Foolish :fool ISH (foo’ lish) adj.

Like a fool; somewhat ridiculous

5. Waspish :wasp ISH (was’ pish) adj.

Sharp; stinging; as, a waspish tongue

6. Womanish :woman ISH (wom’ a nish) adj.

Like a woman; feminine

7. Scottish :Scott ISH (skot’ ish) adj.

Native of Scotland

8. Childish :child ISH (chile’ dish) adj.

Like a clown; somewhat silly or foolish

10. Amateurish :amateur ISH (am a tur’ ish) adj.

Like an amateur; a nonprofessional

11. Irish :Ir ISH (ire; ish) adj.

Inclined to reading; as, a bookish fellow

12. Bookish :book ISH (book’ ish) adj.

Inclined to reading; as, a bookish fellow

13. Swedish :Swed ISH (swede’ ish) adj.

Native of Sweden

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