Irregular Comparison

Irregular Comparison :

Several adjectives have irregular comparison.


bad (evil, ill) …..worse…..worst




late….. later, latter…..latest, last

well (in health) …..better…..——

little…..less, lesser…..least

much, many…..more…..most

Old has comparative older or elder, superlative oldest or eldest. Elder or eldest may be used with certain nouns of relationship, or in the phrases the elder and the eldest.

1. This is my elder brother.

2. My brother is older than yours.

3. Jane was the eldest of six children.

4. I shall wear my oldest clothes.

Elder is also used as a noun such as…..You should respect your elders.

Next is a superlative of nigh. It is used only in the sense of the very nearest.

I live in the next street.

The next time he comes, I shall refuse to see him.

A few superlatives end in most. With these, one or both of the other degrees are commonly wanting.


——…..(former) …..foremost

hind…..hinder …..hindmost

——…..inner…..inmost, innermost

(out, adverb) …..outer …..outmost, outermost

….. (utter) …..utmost, uttermost

(up, adverb) …..upper …..uppermost





north…..—— …..northmost

northern…..(more northern) …..northernmost


southern…..(more southern) …..southernmost

east, eastern…..(more eastern) …..easternmost

west, western…..(more western) …..westernmost

Note : The ending MOST is not the adverb most. It is a very old superlative ending MEST changed under the influence of the adverb most.

In parsing an adjective, tell whether it is descriptive or definitive, mention the substantive to which it belongs and specify the degree of comparison.

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