intraThis ROOT-WORD is the Prefix INTRA which means WITHIN. Notice how similar it is to INTER. Notice how careless pronunciation makes them sound almost exactly alike. The meaning is very different. In ancient days every city had a protective wall around it. Within the wall meant with the city. That is why sports or events within one city are still called INTRAmural. 1. Intracollegiate : INTRA collegiate (in tra ko lee’ ji at) adj. Within the college 2. Intraschool : INTRA school (in tra skule’) adj. Within the school 3. Intramural : INTRA mural (in tra myur’ al) adj. Within the community or institution; as intramural sports 4. Intragroup : INTRA group (in tra grupe’) adj. Within the group 5. Intracoastal : INTRA coastal (in tra kose’ tal) adj. Within coastal water 6. Intracontinental: INTRA continental(in tra kon ti nen’ tal) adj. Within the continent 7. Intradepartmental: INTRA departmental(in tra depart ment’ al) adj. Within the department 8. Intradistrict : INTRA district (in tra dis’ trikt) adj. Within the district 9. Intra-European : INTRA European(in tra yur o pee’ an) adj. Within the boundaries of Europe 10. Intramarginal : INTRA marginal (in tra mar’ ji nal) adj. Within the margins 11. Intranuclear : INTRA nuclear (in tra nyu’ klee ar) adj. Within a nucleus 12. Intrabred : INTRA bred (in tra bred’) adj. Mating within tribe or race 13. Intraglacial : INTRA glacial (in tra glay’ shal) adj. Within a glacier 14. Intramolecular : INTRA molecular(in tra mo lek’ yu lar) adj. Within the molecule 15. Intramontane : INTRA montane (in tra mon’ tane) adj. Within a mountainous region 16. Intramundane : INTRA mundane (in tra mun’ dane) adj. Within the material world 17. Intranational : INTRA national (in tra nash’ un al) adj. Within the nation 18. Intraneural : INTRA neural (in tra nyur’ al) adj. Within the nerve 19. Intraoral : INTRA oral (in tra or’ al) adj Within the mouth 20. Intravenous : INTRA venous (in tra vee’ nus) adj. Within the veins
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