hydra, hydro & hydrThese ROOT-WORDS are HYDRO, HYDRA & HYDR meaning WATER. Many words using this ROOT have 3, 4 or 5 syllables, but you already know what few of them mean. You’re like a clever surgeon, knowing where to cut apart and where to sew together. You know that a HYDRAngea needs water; you know a prune is dry because it has been deHYDRAted. 1. Hydragogue : HYDRA gogue (hie’ dra gog) adj. Causing the expelling of serum as in dropsy 2. Hydrology : HYDRA logy (hie’ dra goe ji) n. Conveyance of water through channels artificially 3. Hydrangea : HYDRA ngea (hie drane’ je) n. A beautiful plant that needs much water 4. Hydrant : HYDRA nt (hie’ drant) n. A compound of water plus one element 5. Hydrate : HYDRA te (hie dra; lik) adj. Acting by water power 7. Hydraulics : HYDR aulics (hie dra’ liks) n. Use of water in driving machinery 8. Hydrophobia : HYDRO phobia (hie dro fo’ bi a) n. Morbid fear of water 9. Hydrophone : HYDRO phone (hie’ dro fone) n. Instrument that detects sound of water flowing in pipes 10. Hydropic : HYDRO pic (hie drop’ ik) adj. Said of one suffering from dropsy 11. Hydroplane : HYDRO plane (hie’ dro plane) n. A seaplane; a boat that can rise or light on water 12. Hydro propulsion: HYDRO propulsion (hie dro pro pul’ shun) n. Propulsion by means of jet propeller 13. Hydroscope : HYDRO scope (hie’ dro skope) n. A device for enabling one to see through great depths to the sea bed 14. Hydrosphere : HYDRO sphere (hie’ dro sfere) n. The water vapor in the atmosphere 15. Hydrostat : HYDRO stat (hie’ dro stat) n. A device to regulate the amount of water in a reservoir or boiler 16. Hydrostatics : HYDRO statics (hie dro stat’ iks) n. The principles of static applied to water and other liquids 17. Hydrostatician : HYDRO statician (hie dro sta tish’ an) n. An expert in hydrostatics 18. Hydro therapist : HYDRO therapist (hie dro[ ther’ a pist) n. One who practices hydrotherapy 19. Hydrotherapy : HYDRO therapy (hie droe ther’ pee) n. Treatment of disease by the scientific use of water 20. Dehydrate : de HYDRA te (dee hie’ drate) v. To remove water; as, dehydrate foods
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