Exercises in Participles :
Exercises in Participles
Select the Participles in the following exercises and state which are Active and which Passive and state also whether they are Present, Past or Perfect or Compound Perfect.
1. The child, seeing its mother, ran to meet her.
2. Mary, walking in the woods, found a beautiful fern.
3. The snow, falling rapidly, soon covered the ground.
4. A man deserving blame should be censured.
5. Washington died honored by all his countrymen.
6. The house, destroyed by fire, was soon rebuilt.
7. The laborer, fatigued with the toil of the day, returned to his home.
8. The exercise written by Charles was admired by all.
9. The boys, having recited their lessons, were dismissed.
10. The thief, having stolen the horse, made his escape.
11. John, having written his composition, gave it to the teacher.
12. The sun having risen, the clouds disappeared.
13. The general, being advised of the approach of the enemy, ordered his troops into line of battle.
14. The father being informed of his son’s death, exhibited great sorrow.
15. Charles, being aroused from his slumber, discovered that the house was on fire.
16. The day being far spent, we returned to our homes.
17. The lesson having been recited, the class was dismissed.
18. The fire having been extinguished, the crowd dispersed.
19. War having been declared, the regiments were rapidly mustered into service.
20. The physician having been called, pronounced it a hopeless case.
21. He had a dagger concealed under his coat Honor, defined by Cicero, is the approbation of good men.
22. William, being successful in his examination, expects promotion.
23. William, having been successful in his examination, was promoted.
24. William, having succeeded in his examination, expects to be promoted.
25. The fire breaking out in the night and the night being dark, the house was destroyed, the inmates barely escaping with their lives, with their clothing scorched and some with limbs broken or bodies mutilated.
26. Thomas being employed at his studies could not engage in the sports of the younger members of the family; but, having completed his lessons, he looked on their sports delighted and joined in them with pleasure.
27. Having been informed that the enemy was approaching and being without arms, the general ordered his men to prepare to retreat to a place concealed from the enemy's view, lest the enemy, seeing their defenseless condition, should make an easy conquest.
Three sentences containing a Present Participle and Active.
Three containing Compound-Perfect and Active.
Three containing Present and Passive.
Three containing Perfect and Passive.
Three containing Compound-Perfect and Passive.
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