Exercises in Conjugation

Exercises in Conjugation :

Conjugate the verb

Come - in the Active voice. Indicative mood and Present tense.

Do - in the Active voice. Potential mood and Present-Perfect tense.

Walk - he Active voice, Subjunctive mood and Future tense.

Know - in the Passive voice, Indicative mood and Future-Perfect tense.

Leave - in the Passive voice. Potential mood and Past-Perfect tense.

Tell - in the Passive voice, Subjunctive mood and Past tense.

The teacher can furnish additional exercises at will.

Name all the Participles of the verb COME.

Name in like manner all the Participles of each of the other verbs in the foregoing list.

If the verb is Transitive, remember to name the Participles in the Passive Voice as well as in the Active.

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