euThis ROOT-WORD is the Prefix EU meaning PLEASANT,WELL & GOOD. Look at No. 2 and you will find the charmer for whose sake so many changes have been made in the pronunciation of words - assimilation for the sake of EUPHONY. Euphony is a lovely word to hear and say and read. The last word in the list- EUREKA! Is always spoken and written with an exclamation point. It was spoken by Archimedes when he discovered a method of determining the purity of the gold in a king’s crown. I hope that when you will have finished this book you will have found a method to an excellent vocabulary and you will exclaim, EUREKA! 1. Eulogy : EU logy (yue’ lo jee) n. Words of praise, especially for the dead 2. Euphony : EU phony (yue’ fo nee) n. A pleasant sound 3. Euphonious : EU phonious (yue foe’ nee us) adj. Full of pleasing sound; harmonious 4. Euphemism : EU phemism (yue’ fe miz um) n. The use of a pleasant word instead of one that is harsh or offensive 5. Euphemistic : EU phemistic (yue fe mis’ tik) adj. In the manner of euphemism“passing on" instead of “dying" 6. Euphemistically : EU phemistically (yue fe mis’ ti ka lee) adv. In the manner of euphemism 7. Eugeny : EU geny (ue’ je ni) n. Nobility of birth 8. Eudora : EU dora (ue doe’ ra) n. A feminine name meaning “a good gift" 9. Eugene : EU gene (ue jene’) n. A masculine name meaning “well born" 10. Eugenics : EU genics (yue jen’ iks) n. Breeding for race improvement 11. Eulalia : EU lalia (ue lay’ li a) A feminine name meaning “pleasant speech" 12. Euharmonic : EU harmonic (ue har mon’ ik) adj. Producing perfect harmony 13. Euphoria : EU phoria (yue for’ ee a) n. A feeling of well-being 14. EYrythmics : EU rythmics (yu rith’ miks) n. The art of graceful movements; as those in dancing 15. Eucrasia : EU crasia (ue kray’ zhi a) n. A state of physical well-being 16. Eudaemony : EU daemony (us dee’ mo ni) n. A state of happiness; well-being 17. Eumenides : EU menides (yu men’ i deze) n. The gracious ones. The Greek euphemism for the Furies, used in an attempt at appeasing them 18. Eupepsia : EU pepsia (yu pep’ sha) n. Good digestion 19. Euthanasia : EU thanasia (yue tha nay’ zhee a) n. Painless putting to death; mercy killing 20. Eureka : EU reka (yu ree’ ka) n. An expression of triumph, meaning “I have found it!" said by Archimedes | ||||||||