Elementary English Grammar

Elementary English Grammar :

IN this page, we have selected from our larger Grammar those portions which are purely of an elementary character and which are studied by beginners in first going over the subject. The whole of Prosody, all of the chapter on the Derivation of Words and the fine print matter of the other portions are omitted. On the other hand, copious explanations and a complete series of practical exercises are appended to the several definitions and rules. The knowledge of each rule and definition is thus thoroughly tested and impressed on the memory before the pupil is allowed to proceed to more advanced knowledge.

The work, as now offered, is the result of long experience in the class-room and of no little reading and study. The English language and its literature have been for many years the main subjects of our inquiry and we have endeavored in this volume to give the results of our observations in the form which our experience as teachers have convinced us to be the best adapted to the wants of the learner.

A word as to the method pursued. We have endeavored to bear in mind that we are writing, not a treatise for the learned, but a text-book for learners. For such a book, the first and most imperative demand is CLEARNESS – clearness of arrangement and clearness of expression.

The beginners will clearly understand and follow these portions on English Grammar. The utmost care is put into these portions to see that no ambiguity is here. These otherwise tested materials are the results of careful preparations and diligent study of English Grammar over a period of long time. Not only our colleagues, but also our students who learnt English from us have contributed both by their writings and by their corrections for betterment of our materials.

Next and hardly less imperative is the demand that the more and the less important should be carefully discriminated and the difference plainly set forth to the eye.

A third imperative demand is that the rules, definitions and other matter to be committed to memory should be expressed with the utmost possible conciseness.

A fourth requisite is that every rule and definition should be supported and illustrated by a goodly array of apt practical examples. These are as necessary in teaching grammar as sums are in teaching arithmetic. How far these things have been secured is for the reader to judge.

  1. An Elementary English Grammar
  2. Orthography
  3. Etymology
  4. Syntax
  5. Prosody
  6. Language
  7. Orthography,
  8. Letters
  9. Silent Letter
  10. English Alphabet
  11. Consonants
  12. Vowels
  13. Diphthong
  14. Triphthong
  15. Triphthongs
  17. A Word
  18. One-letter words
  19. Syllable
  20. Sentence
  21. Monosyllable
  22. Dissyllable
  23. Trisyllable
  24. Polysyllable
  25. Tenses in English Grammar
  26. Rules for Spelling
  27. Etymology
  28. Nouns
  29. Classification of Nouns
  30. Classification of Words
  31. Attributes of Nouns
  32. Attributes of Nouns by Gender
  33. Proper Nouns
  34. Common Nouns
  35. Common Nouns
  36. Modes of Distinguishing Sex by Difference of Termination
  37. Modes of Distinguishing Sex by The Use of Different Words
  38. Modes of Distinguishing Sex by Prefixing or Affixing Another Word
  39. Nouns and Numbers
  40. Modes of Forming The Plural
  41. Singular Nouns
  42. Plural Nouns
  43. Nouns Irregular in The Plural
  44. Nouns and Persons
  45. The First Person
  46. The Second Person
  47. The Third Person
  48. Cases of Nouns
  49. Forms of The Cases
  50. Nominative Case
  51. Possessive Case
  52. Objective Case
  53. Declension of Nouns
  54. Etymological Parsing
  55. Inflection of Nouns
  56. Declension of Nouns
  57. Articles
  58. Indefinite Article
  59. Definite Article
  60. Adjectives
  61. An Adjective
  62. Numeral Adjectives
  63. Cardinal Adjectives
  64. Ordinal Adjectives
  65. Multiplicative Adjectives
  66. Comparison of Adjectives
  67. Degrees of Comparison
  68. Positive Degree of Comparison
  69. Comparative Degree of Comparison
  70. Superlative Degree of Comparison
  71. Regular Comparison of Adjectives
  72. Irregular Comparison of Adjectives
  73. Pronouns
  74. Personal Pronouns
  75. Declension of The Personal Pronouns
  76. Remarks on The Personal Pronouns
  77. Relative Pronouns
  78. Compound Relatives
  79. Interrogatives and Responsives
  80. Adjective Pronouns
  81. Distributive Adjective Pronouns
  82. Demonstrative Adjective Pronouns
  83. Indefinite Adjective Pronouns
  84. Verb
  85. Verbs
  86. Attributes of Verbs
  87. Voices
  88. Voices
  89. The Active Voice
  90. The Passive Voice
  91. Mood
  92. Moods
  93. Mood of A Verb
  94. Moods of A Verb
  95. The Indicative Mood
  96. The Interrogative Form of The Indicative Mood
  97. The Subjunctive Mood
  98. The Potential Mood
  99. The Imperative Mood
  100. The Infinitive Mood
  101. Tense
  102. Tenses
  103. The Simple Present Tense
  104. The Simple Past Tense
  105. The Simple Future Tense
  106. The Present Perfect Tense
  107. The Past Perfect Tense
  108. The Present Continuous Tense
  109. The Past Continuous Tense
  110. The Future Continuous Tense
  111. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  112. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  113. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  114. The Future Perfect Tense
  115. Simple Present Tenses
  116. Tense Definition
  117. Present Continuous Verb Tense
  118. Learn Past Tense
  119. Participles
  120. The Present Participle
  121. The Perfect Participle
  122. The Past Participle
  123. The Compound-Perfect Participle
  124. The Virtues
  125. The Way to Happiness
  126. Verb and Number
  127. Verb and Person
  128. Numbers and Persons of The Verb
  129. First Person Singular
  130. First Person Plural
  131. Second Person Singular
  132. Second Person Plural
  133. Third Person Singular
  134. Third Person Plural
  135. Classes of Verbs
  136. Transitive Verbs and Intransitive Verbs
  137. Transitive Verb
  138. Transitive Verbs
  139. Intransitive Verbs
  140. Intransitive Verb
  141. Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs
  142. Irregular Verbs
  143. Regular Verbs
  144. Past Tense of Have
  145. Past Tense of Feel
  146. Past Tense of Ring
  147. Past Tense of Hang
  148. Impersonal Verbs
  149. Defective Verbs
  150. Auxiliary Verbs
  151. Helping Verbs
  152. Remarks on The Auxiliary Verbs
  153. Conjugation
  154. Conjugation of The Verb TO BE
  155. Indicative Mood
  156. Subjunctive Mood
  157. Potential Mood
  158. Imperative Mood
  159. Infinitive Mood
  160. Participles
  161. Remarks on The Conjugation
  162. Conjugation of The Verb TO LOVE
  163. Active Voice and Indicative Mood
  164. Active Voice and Subjunctive Mood
  165. Active Voice and Potential Mood
  166. Active Voice and Imperative Mood
  167. Active Voice and Infinitive Mood
  168. Active Voice and Participles
  169. Intransitive Verbs and Passive Voice
  170. Passive Voice and Indicative Mood
  171. Passive Voice and Subjunctive Mood
  172. Passive Voice and Potential Mood
  173. Passive Voice and Imperative Mood
  174. Passive Voice and Infinitive Mood
  175. Passive Voice and Participles
  176. Exercises in Conjugation
  177. Progressive Form of A Verb
  178. Exercises in The Progressive Form
  179. The Emphatic Form of A Verb
  180. Conjugation of the verb in the Emphatic Form
  181. The Emphatic Form and Indicative Mood
  182. The Emphatic Form and Subjunctive Mood
  183. The Emphatic Form and Imperative
  184. Parsing Exercises
  185. Exercises in Participles
  186. Models for Parsing
  187. Adverbs
  188. An Adverb
  189. Comparison of Adverbs
  190. Irregular Comparison of Adverbs
  191. Adverbs of Manner
  192. Classes of Adverbs
  193. Adverbs of Quality
  194. Adverbs of Quality
  195. Adverbs of Place
  196. Adverbs of Time
  197. Adverbs of Quantity
  198. Adverbs of Direction
  199. Adverbs of Number
  200. Adverbs of Order
  201. Adverbs of Affirmation
  202. Adverbs of Negation
  203. Adverbs of Interrogation
  204. Adverbs of Comparison
  205. Adverbs of Uncertainty
  206. Parsing Exercises
  207. Conjunctions
  208. A Conjunction
  209. Parsing Exercises on Conjunction
  210. Prepositions
  211. A Preposition
  212. Simple Prepositions
  213. Compound Prepositions
  214. Parsing Exercises on Prepositions
  215. Interjections
  216. The Principal Interjections
  217. Parsing Exercises on Interjections
  218. Words Used as Different Parts of Speech
  219. The Principal Parts of A Sentence
  220. Syntax
  221. Simple Sentence
  222. Nominative Case Independent
  223. Compound Sentence
  224. Nominative Case Absolute
  225. Models for Parsing in Syntax
  226. Exercises in Syntax
  227. Syntactic Rules
  228. Verb and Subject
  229. Verb and Subject Agreement
  230. Verb and Subject Agreement Rules
  231. Models for Parsing in Verb and Subject Agreement Rules
  232. Exercises in Verb and Subject Agreement Rules
  233. Transitive Verb in Active Voice
  234. Models for Parsing in Transitive Verb in Active Voice
  235. Exercises in Transitive Verb in Active Voice
  236. Preposition and Objective Case
  237. Models for Parsing in Preposition and Objective Case
  238. Parse The Prepositions
  239. Parse The Nouns
  240. Parse The Pronouns
  241. Noun in The Possessive Case
  242. Pronoun in The Possessive Case
  243. Models for Parsing in Pronoun in The Possessive Case
  244. Parse The Nouns
  245. Parse The Pronouns
  246. Noun and Pronoun in Apposition with One Another
  247. Model for Parsing Noun in Apposition with Pronoun
  248. Model for Parsing Pronoun in Apposition with Noun
  249. Exercises in Parse The Nouns and Pronouns

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