duct,duce & ducThese ROOT-WORDS are DUC, DUCE & DUCT which come from the Latin ducere meaning LEAD. It will indeed LEAD you to many places, people, and subjects. 1. Abduct : ab DUCT (ab dukt’) v. To take away by force; kidnap 2. Deduct : de DUCT (de dukt’) v. To take away from; as, deduct ten percent of the price 3. Deductible : de DUCT ible (de duk; ti b’l) adj. Can be taken off; as, tax deductible 4. Educate : e DUC ate (ej; u kate) v. To develop; teach; lead out from ignorance 5. Induce : in DUC e (in dyuse’) v. To lead into; persuade 6. Induction : in DUC tion (in dek’ shun) n. The act of leading into an official position; as, induction into the army 7. Inductometer : in DUCT ometer (in duk tom’ e ter) n. Equipment used to measure electrical induction 8. Introduction : intro DUC tion (in tro duk; shun) n. The act of bringing together 9. Inductile : in DUCT ile (duk’ til) adj. Inflexible; unyielding; not easily led 10. Produce : pro DUCE (pro dyuse’) v. To bring forth; lead forward 11. Product : pro DUCT (prod’ ukt) n. Anything produced by growth, labor, thought 12. Productive : pro DUCT ive (pro duk’ tiv) n. Causing to bring forth; creative 13. Production : pro DUC tion (pro duk’ shun) n. The act of bringing forth; creation 14. Reduce : re DUCE (re dyuse’) v. To lead to a lower position or price; as, reduce to poverty 15. Reduction : re DUC tion (re duk; shun) n. A lowering; as a reduction in price 16. Seduce : se DUCE (se dyuse’) v. To lead apart; lead astray 17. Conducive : con DUC ive (kon dyue’ siv) adj. Tending to promote; as conducive to good health 18. Ducat : DUC at (duk; at) n. A gold coin used in some European countries 19. Adueduct : aque DUCT (ak; we duct) n. An artificial channel for bringing a large quantity of water from one place to another 20. Traduce : tra DUCE (tra dyuse’) v. To disgrace unjustly; to slander
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