Conjugation of The Verb TO BE

Conjugation of The Verb TO BE :


The Conjugation of a verb is the orderly arrangement of its voices, moods, tenses, numbers and persons.

Note : The verb TO BE is irregular and intransitive and has no voice.

Conjugation of The Verb TO BE

Indicative Mood

The Simple Present Tense


1. I am.
2. You are.
3. He is.
4. She is.
5. It is.


1. We are.
2. You are.
3. They are.

The Simple Past Tense


1. I was.
2. you were.
3. He was.


1. We were.
2. You were.
3. They were.

The Simple Future Tense


1. I shall be.
2. Thou wilt be.
3. He will be.


1. We shall be.
2. You will be.
3. They will be.

The Present Perfect Tense


1. I have been.
2. Thou hast been.
3. He has been.


1. We have been.
2. You have been.
3. They have been.

The Past Perfect Tense


1. I had been.
2. You had been.
3. He had been.


1. We had been.
2. You had been.
3. They had been.

The Future Perfect Tense


1. I shall have been.
2. You wilt have been.
3. He will have been.


1. We shall have been.
2. You will have been.
3. They will have been.

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