Clauses of Purpose and Result :
A subordinate clause may express purpose or result.
Clauses of Purpose
1. These men died that we might live.
2. I will take care that you are not harmed.
3. John worked day and night that the plans might be ready in time.
4. We threw our ballast overboard, so that the airship might clear the treetops.
5. All our arrangements have been made with the utmost precision, in order that the ship may be launched promptly and without accident.
Clauses of Result
1. He has recovered his strength, so that he can now work.
2. The town stood at the foot of the volcano, so that every building was destroyed.
3. Quentin started so suddenly that he almost dropped his weapon.
4. His rancor against the duke was so apparent that one saw it in the first half-hour’s conversation.
5. Their minds were so much embittered that they imputed to each other nothing less than deliberate villany.
6. You make such a noise that I cannot hear the music.
Clauses of purpose may be introduced by the subordinate conjunction that or by a phrase containing it (so that, in order that, to the end that, etc.).
Negative clauses of purpose may be introduced by that ... not or by lest.
1. Take heed lest thou fall.
2. I feared lest I might anger thee.—Shakespeare.
Clauses of result may be introduced by the phrase so that, consisting of the adverb so and the subordinate conjunction that; or by that alone, especially when so, such, or some similar word stands in the main clause.
A clause of purpose or of result may be either an adverbial clause (as in § 403) or a substantive clause.
1. I intend that you shall be elected. [Object.]
2. My intention is that you shall be appointed. [Predicate nominative.]
3. The result is that he is bankrupt. [Predicate nominative.]
4. His exertions had this effect, that the vote was unanimous. [Appositive.]
substantive clause of purpose is often used as the object of a verb of commanding, desiring, or the like.
1. The general ordered that the fort should be blown up.
2. The prisoner begged that his fetters might be struck off.
Purpose may be expressed by the infinitive with to or in order to, and result by the infinitive with to or as to.
1. He abandoned his profession to [or in order to] become a missionary. [Purpose.]
2. He was kind enough to help me. [Result. Compare: He was so kind that he helped me.]
3. He was so kind as to help me. [Result.]
Negative result is often expressed by the adverb too and the infinitive.
1. Iron is too heavy to float. [Compare: Iron is so heavy that it does not float.]
Purpose may be expressed by an infinitive clause.
2. The teacher intended us to finish the book. [Compare: The teacher intended that we should finish the book.]
3. The foreman ordered the engine to be stopped. [Compare: The foreman ordered that the engine should be stopped.]
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