Clauses of Concession

Clauses of Concession :

An adverbial clause may express concession.

A concessive clause is usually introduced by a subordinate conjunction, though, although or even if. It admits (or concedes) some fact or supposition in spite of which the assertion in the main clause is made.

1. Although I do not like his manners, I respect his character.

2. We won the game, though we expected to lose.

3. Even if you fail, you will have gained experience.

4. Even if you were a king, you would find somebody or something more powerful than yourself.

5. Though he should read books forever, he would not grow wise.

Note : While is often used as a weaker or more courteous synonym for although.

The main clause, when it follows the concessive clause, may be emphasized by means of yet, still, nevertheless.

1. Although the task was heavy, yet his courage never failed. [Although and yet are correlative conjunctions.]

2. Though his reputation was great at home, yet it was greater abroad.

Concessive clauses sometimes omit the copula and its subject.

1. Though [he was] tired, he was not disheartened.

2. This punishment, though perhaps necessary, seems rather severe.

A concessive clause may be introduced by the conjunction as or by a relative pronoun or a relative adverb.

1. {Whatever you say, | Whichever argument you present, | However much you object,} he will carry his point.

2. Weak as I am, I will make the effort.

3. Gay as the scene was, ’twas but a dreary place for Mr. Esmond.

Note : The adverbial use of however is quite distinct from its use as a coordinate conjunction.

Concession is sometimes expressed by a subjunctive clause without a conjunction to introduce it.

1. Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.

2. I will help you, cost what it may!

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