cede,ceed & cessThese 1. Cede :CEDE (sede) v. Yield; admit; as, cede a point in an argument 2. Accede :ac CEDE (ak sede’) v. To go along with; agree to 3. Concede :con CEDE (kon sede’) v. Yield to; agree to 4. Secede :se CEDE (se sede’) v. Go apart; separate; as, secede from the Union 5. Intercede :inter CEDE (int er sede’) v. Go between two litigants 6. Precede :Pre CEDE (pre sede’) v. Go before; as, the leader will precede the rest 7. Recede :re CEDE (re sede’) v. Go back; as, the tide begins to recede 8. Precedent :pre CEDE nt (pres’ ed ent) n. That which went before; as, a precedent for an opinion 9. Procedure :pro CED ure (pro see’ jure) n. The manner of going forward 10. Absoess :abs CESS (ab’ ses) n. A localized collection of pus due to infection 11. Ancestor :an CES tor (an’ ses tor) n. One who came before, as father or grandfather 12. Intercession :inter CESS ion (int er sesh’ un) n. Act of going between 13. Recession :re CESS ion (re sesh’ un) n. Act of going back 14. Procession :pro CESS ion (pro sesh’ un) n. Act of going forward 15. Success :suc CESS (suk ses’) n. The reaching of a goal; achieving the goal 16. Exceed :ex CEED (ek seed’) v. To go beyond the ordinary; beyond the average 17. Succeed :suc CEED (suk sede’) v. To achieve; to reach the goal 18. Process :pro CESS (pros’ es) n. The going forward; the movement forward 19. Decease :de CEASE (de sese’) v. To go away; to depart from life; to die 20. Accession :ac CESS ion (ak sesh’ un) n. The going to; as, the accession to the throne
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