bioThe ROOT-WORD is BIO which means LIFE. An important one as it treats the most important of all subjects, LIFE. The word list is a fine preparation for the enjoyment of a lecture or an article of a BIOlogical nature. 1. Biogenesis :BIO genesis (bie o jen’e sis) n. The development of living organisms from life that exists 2. Biogenesist :BIO genesist (bie o jen’ e sist) n. An expert in biogenesis 3. Biogenetic :BIO genetic (bie o je net’ ik) adj. Pertaining to the development of life from life that exists 4. Biology :BIO logy (bie ol’ o jee) n. The study of living organisms 5. Biogeny :BIO geny (bie oj’ e ni) n. The development of life 6. Biogeography :BIO geography (bie o jee og’ ra fee) n. The area of biology that deals with the distribution of plants and animals 7. Biognosis :BIO gnosis (bie og no’ sis) n. The investigation of life 8. Biography :BIO graphy (bie og’ ra fee) n. The written story of the life of a particular person 9. Biographer :BIO grapher (bie og’ ra fer) n. One who writes about the life of another 10. Biographee :BIO graphee (bie og ra fee’) n. The person whose life is written about 11. Autobiography :auto BIO graphy (aut o bie og’ ra fee) n. One’s own life story written byoneself 12. Biologist :BIO logist (bie ol’ o jist) n. An expert in biology 13. Bios :BIO s (bie’ os) n. Organic nature among plants and animals 14. Biosis :BIO sis (bie o’ sis) n. The way of life among living organisms; vitality 15. Biostatics :BIO statics (bie o stat’ iks) n. The study of living organization and its functions 16. Biota :BIO ta (bie ote’ a) n. Animal and plant life of a region; the fauna and flora of an area 17. Biostatistics :BIO statistics (bie o sta tis’ tiks) n. Vital measurements 18. Biopsy :BIO psy (bie’ op see) n. Examination of diseased tissue removed from a body 19. Biostratigraphy :BIO stratigraphy (bie o stra tig’ ra fi) n. Condition andorder of sedimentary rocks 20. Biopsychology :BIO psychology (bie o sie kol’ o ji) n. Psychology as related to biology
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