Articles :
An Article is a word placed before a noun to show whether the noun is used in a definite, or in an indefinite sense.
The Articles are A and THE.
Explanation : If I say,“ Bring me the book,” the meaning is definite. I ask for some particular book. But if I say, “ Bring me a book,” the meaning is indefinite, as if I had said, “ Bring me any book.”
A is the
THE is the
The Article A is written AN before a word beginning with a vowel sound as a man, an old man, an honest man.
Note : In determining whether to use A or to use AN, we should notice, not the letter, but the real sound, with which the next word begins.
A or AN means one and is used only before the singular number as a man, an apple.
The is used before both numbers as the man, the men.
Exercise : Use the indefinite article with the following words.
inkstand, history, humble, arch, bird, army, unit, eulogy, onion, unicorn, heir, wonder, union, honor, herb, engine, yew, ewer, hunter.
Parsing Exercise :
Parse AN in the sentence …. Give me an apple.
Model : AN is the indefinite article, placed before the noun APPLE to show that it is used in an indefinite sense.
Parse THE in the sentence : Give me the book.
THE is the definite article placed before the noun book to show that it is used in a definite sense.
Articles :
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