Adverbs of Negation

Adverbs of Negation :

Comparison of Adverbs

Many Adverbs are compared.

Some Adverbs are compared by adding ER and EST to the Positive as….


Adverbs ending in LY are compared by prefixing more and most, less and least as….

happily, more happily, most happily

happily, less happily, least happily

Irregular Comparison of Adverbs

Positive… Comparative… Superlative





Classes of Adverbs

Adverbs are divided into classes, according to their signification. The most important of these classes are…

1. Adverbs of Manner or Quality as…..well, ill, swiftly, smoothly, truly, with a great many others formed from adjectives by adding the termination LY. This is by far the most numerous class of adverbs.

2. Adverbs of Place as….here, there, where, hither, thither, whither, hence, thence, whence, somewhere, nowhere, etc.

3. Adverbs of Time as….now, then, when, ever, never, soon, often, seldom, lately, yearly, yesterday, to-morrow, etc.

4. Adverbs of Quantity as….much, little, sufficiently, enough, scarcely, etc.

5. Adverbs of Direction as….downward, upward, forward, backward, homeward, heavenward, hitherward, thitherward, etc.

6. Adverbs of Number or Order (including all those formed from the Numeral Adjectives) as….

first, secondly, thirdly

once, twice, thrice

singly, doubly, triply

7. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation as….yes, no, verily, indeed, nay, nowise, doubtless, etc.

8. Adverbs of Interrogation as…. how, why, when, where, whither, whence, etc.

9. Adverbs of Comparison as…..more, most, less, least, better, best, very, exceedingly, nearly, almost, etc.

10. Adverbs of Uncertainty as…. Perchance, perhaps, peradventure, possibly, probably, etc.

The above is not intended as a complete list of Adverbs nor even a complete classification of them. It will be found serviceable, however, for the learner in this way. When in doubt about the true character of a word, whether to call it an adverb or not, the doubt is often immediately resolved by attempting to refer the word to one of these classes. Does the word express place? Does it signify time?

Write three sentences each containing an adverb of Manner or Quality.

Write three sentences each containing an adverb of Place.

Write three sentences each containing an adverb of Time.

Write three sentences each containing an adverb of Comparison.

Write three sentences each containing an adverb of Affirmation.

Write three sentences each containing an adverb of Negation.

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