A Word A Day : Zeal

Wednesday, 7th November 2007 : Today's Word is ...


( Noun )

Pronunciation : zeel

1. Energetic and unflagging enthusiasm, especially for a cause or idea

2. Enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal and tireless diligence in its furtherance

3. Cheerful compliance


14th century - Via late Latin zelus - Greek zēlos - eager rivalry


enthusiasm, passion, fanaticism, fervor, ardor, keenness, eagerness, vehemence, intensity


apathy, indifference, unconcern, lethargy, laziness, boredom, ennui, droopiness, dispiritedness

Contextual Example:

• Le Grand, with all his zeal for the Roman church, appears to have seen them.

• An enlightened zeal for the energy and efficiency of government will be stigmatized as the offspring of a temper fond of despotic power and hostile to the principles of liberty.

Related Words :

1. zealot: Noun

2. Zealotism: Noun

3. Zealant: Adjective

4. zealous: Adjective

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