To Get Fired

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To Get Fired : Phrases


To get rid of unwanted people.


Simon got fired yesterday - seems his boss didn't want to hear anything negative about the company.


Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them would burn their houses down - hence the phrase to get fired.

Alternative: Item 6 of the Laws of Mendip Miners states, If any man do pick or steale any lead or ore to the value of xiiid,the Lord or his Officer may arrest all his lead and Oare House or hearthes with his Grooves and Workes and keep them in forfeit... and shall take the person that hath soe affeended and bring him where his house or worke and all his tooles and instruments are... and put him into his house orworke and set fire in all together about him and banish him... Fired indeed!

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