The failure says that the Grapes are sour.

The failure says that the Grapes are sour. :

Often things which we fail to get are branded as worthless. One who tries to pass an interview for a job and fails to pass will say later on that the job was not worth securing. This is actually a face saving excuse. Had he passed the interview, he would have been very happy and proud of his achievement. The proverb originated from the fable of the fox and the grapes. In it, a fox tries of get a bunch of ripe grapes beyond his reach. Even after several leaps he failed to get it. Then the fox went off saying that the grapes were so sour that he did not want it. In this same manner, those who could not attain success in their attempt will say that they are not willing to go through the attempt. But it indirectly means that they are not the suitable people to have success in their lives.

The failure says that the Grapes are sour.

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