Synonyms & Antonyms : Tasty


( Adjective )

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This dish is not as tasty as the one we had few days back in New York.






Contextual Examples:

For some tea acts as an appetizing agent, for others as the opposite.

The hero looked at the luscious curves of the heroine and started dancing and signing.

This is a delicious dish of Nepal.

It is not only tasty but also palatable.







Contextual Examples:

I could never imagine such a popular restaurant will serve much a nasty dish.

It is sickening to see a slow movie like this.

Our kitchen is giving out a nauseous smell. What sort of meat is in the oven?

The lecture of today’s visiting professor was rather dull and insipid.

The Synonyms and Antonyms form an integral part of the English Language. Acquaintance with the vocabulary of the English language is a necessity for effective expression either in written or in an oral from. Synonyms are nothing but the similar meanings of a particular word or its semantic relation. A Synonym is a word or a phrase that means the same as another word or a phrase in the same language. Antonyms are the negative connotation of a particular word. An Antonym is a word or phrase that is opposite in meaning to a particular word or a phrase in the same language.

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