Science Words : Physics Vocabulary
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Science Words : Physics Vocabulary :
As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means
1. The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons
2. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined
3. The words of a language
We have collected almost all the words related to Science and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU.
Here is The Complete Lists.
- Aberration
- Absolute
- Absorptive Power
- Acceleration
- Accelerator
- Accelerometer
- Accessory
- Accommodation
- Action
- Adhesion
- Adiabatic
- Advantage
- Aerial
- Aeroplane
- Aileron
- Air Brake
- Air Pump
- Alternating Current
- Alternation
- Alternator
- Altimeter
- Amplifier
- Amplitude
- Analogy
- Analysis (Of Light)
- Angle of Contact
- Angle of Deviation
- Angle of Emergence
- Angle of Incidence
- Angle of Projection
- Angle of Reflection
- Angular Moment
- Angular Velocity
- Anode
- Anticlockwise
- Apparatus
- Apparent
- Apparent Expansion
- Arrestment
- Astigmatism
- Astronomical
- Astronomy
- Atmosphere
- Atom
- Atomic Number
- Automatic
- Auxiliary
- Axis of Mirror
- Balance Wheel
- Balancing Point
- Bar Magnet
- Barograph
- Baroscope
- Baroscopic
- Base
- Battery
- Beaker
- Beam of Balance
- Beam of Light
- Beats
- Bell Jar
- Belt (For Driving)
- Biconvex Lens
- Binding Energy
- Biding Screw
- Bioscope
- Black Body
- Block (Pulling)
- Bob
- Boiler
- Boiling Point
- Brake
- Brush
- Bulb
- Buoy
- Buoyancy
- Calibration
- Calliper
- Cam
- Capacitance
- Capillarity
- Carrier Waves
- Cathode
- Centre of Buoyancy
- Centre of Curvature
- Centre of Gravity
- Centre of Oscillation
- Centre of Pressure
- Centre of Suspension
- Centrifugal
- Centripetal
- Chromatic Aberration
- Chromo Sphere
- Chronometer
- Circulation
- Clamp
- Clip
- Clockwise
- Code
- Coefficient
- Cohesion
- Collination
- Collinator
- Collision
- Colour Blindness
- Commutator
- Compass
- Compass Needle
- Compass Points
- Compensated
- Components (Of Forces)
- Composition of Forces
- Compressibility
- Computer
- Concave
- Concave Lens
- Concave Mirror
- Concavo-Convex Lens
- Concurrent
- Condenser
- Conductance
- Conduction
- Conductor
- Conjugated Foci
- Connection in Parallel
- Constant
- Continuous Current
- Convection
- Convergent (Pencil)
- Convex Lens
- Convex Mirror
- Core
- Counter Clockwise
- Couple
- Couple Forces
- Coupling
- Crank
- Crests and Troughs
- Critical Angle
- Cross Section
- Cross Wire
- Cubical Expansion
- Declination
- Definition
- Deflection
- Demagnetization
- Density
- Depolarisation
- Depolariser
- Depression
- Detector
- Developer
- Deviation
- Dew-point
- Diagram
- Diaphragm
- Diatomic scale
- Dielectric
- Diffraction
- Direct current
- Directive property
- Disc
- Discord
- Displacement
- Divergent
- Divisibility
- Down stroke
- Ductility
- Ebullition
- Eccentric
- Efficiency
- Effort
- Elastic Fatigue
- Elasticity
- Electric Circuit
- Electric Charge
- Electric Current
- Electric Discharge
- Electric Field
- Electric Induction
- Electric Resistance
- Electric Shock
- Electrification
- Electrode
- Electro Motive Force
- Electrolysis
- Electrolyte
- Electron
- Electronics
- Electroplating
- Electroscope
- Elevator
- Elongation
- Emergent Ray
- Energy
- Equilibrant
- Equilibrium
- Exhaustion
- Expansion
- Eye Lens
- Eye Piece
- Fathometer
- Fatigue
- Film
- Fixed Point
- Fixing
- Flask
- Flexibility
- Flotation
- Flow
- Fluid
- Focal Length
- Focus
- Fog
- Force Pump
- Formula
- Freezing Mixture
- Freezing Point
- Frequency
- Friction
- Frictional Resistance
- Frost
- Fulcrum
- Fundamental
- Fuse
- Gaseous State
- Gauge
- Generator
- Graduation
- Grating
- Gravitation
- Gravity
- Grid
- Ground Glass
- Hail
- Hardness
- Harmony
- Heating effect
- Hinge
- Horse power
- Humidity
- Hydraulic brake
- Hydraulic press
- Hydro meter
- Hygrometer
- Hygrometric state
- Ignition
- Illuminative Power
- Impact
- Impulse
- Incandescence
- Incident Ray
- Inclination
- Inclined Plane
- Incompressibility
- Indestructibility
- Index
- Indigo
- Indivisibility
- Induced Magnetization
- Induction
- Induction Coil
- Inertia
- Inference
- Inflator
- Insulation
- Intensity
- Interaction
- Interference
- Interval
- Inverse Proportion
- Inverse Square Law
- Invisible Rays
- Ion
- Ionization
- Iridescence
- Isothermal
- Jet
- Jet Propulsion
- Joule
- Kelvin
- Kepler
- Key
- Kilogram
- Kilowatt Hour
- Kinematics
- Kinetic Energy
- Kinetic Theory
- Lactometer
- Laser
- Latent Heat
- Lateral Displacement
- Lateral Inversion
- Lathe
- Law of Conservation Of Energy
- Law of Inertia
- Law of Reflection
- Law of Universal Gravitation
- Lepton
- Lever
- Lifebuoys
- Light Emitting Diode
- Like Charges
- Like Poles
- Linear Accelerator
- Linear Expansion
- Liquefaction
- Liquid
- Liquid Crystal Diode
- Load Distance
- Load Force
- Loadstone
- Local Action
- Longitudinal Wave
- Loudness
- Lubricant
- Lumen
- Luminous Flux
- Lunar Eclipse
- Lux
- Magic Lantern
- Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Force
- Magnetic Induction
- Magnifying Power
- Magnitude
- Malleability
- Manometer
- Mass
- Matter
- Mechanical Advantage
- Medium
- Melody
- Melting Point
- Meniscus
- Microscope
- Minimum Deviation
- Mirage
- Mist
- Momentum
- Musical Note
- Myopia
- Natural Frequency
- Net Force
- Neutrino
- Neutron
- Newton
- Newton-Meter
- Newton's First Law Of Motion
- Newton's Second Law Of Motion
- Newton's Third Law Of Motion
- Nodal Lines
- Node
- Non-Metal
- Normal
- Nuclear
- Nuclear Chain Reaction
- Nuclear Decay Series
- Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear Fission
- Nuclear Fusion
- Nuclear Radiation
- Nucleons
- Nucleus
- Nuclide
- Objective
- Observation
- Octave
- Opaque
- Open Circuit
- Operational Definitions
- Optic Centre
- Optical Fibre
- Optics
- Orbital Motion
- Ordinary Hydrogen
- Organizing Data
- Ort Circuit
- Oscillation
- Oscillator
- Oton Bean
- Out's Hypothesis
- Overtones
- Parallax
- Partial Eclipse
- Particle
- Pendulum
- Penumbra
- Photometer
- Pitch of The Screw
- Pivot
- Plane
- Plane Mirror
- Pointer
- Polarisation
- Pole
- Porosity
- Positive Electricity
- Potential Energy
- Potentiality
- Power
- Pressure
- Principal Axis
- Pulley
- Pyknometer
- Quantized
- Quantum
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Number
- Quantum of Light
- Quantum Theory
- Quarks
- Radiation
- Rain Gauge
- Reaction
- Reading
- Real Image
- Receiver
- Recoil
- Rectifier
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Refractive Index
- Refractometer
- Refrigerant
- Regulation
- Relative Density
- Relative Expansion
- Relative Humidity
- Relay
- Repulsion
- Reservoir
- Resistance
- Resolution of Forces
- Resonance
- Resting Point
- Resultant
- Retardation
- Rigidity
- Rim
- Rocket
- Rotatory Compressor
- Rudder
- Safety Fuse
- Satellite
- Saturation
- Screen
- Screw Thread
- Secondary Axis
- Sensitized
- Shaft
- Simple Pendulum
- Siphon
- Slide Valve
- Slit
- Snow
- Solenoid
- Solidify
- Solidity
- Sonometer
- Space
- Specific Gravity
- Specific Heat
- Spectrometer
- Spectroscope
- Spectrum
- Speed
- Spherometer
- Spiral Spring
- Statics
- Stopcock
- Stop Watch
- Suction Pump
- Suction Tube
- Surface
- Surface Tension
- Swing
- Sympathetic Vibration
- Synthesis of Light
- Tachometer
- Telescope
- Temperature
- Tension
- Terminal
- Theory
- Thermal capacity
- Thermal couple
- Thermodynamics
- Thermoscope
- Thermostat
- Thickness
- Thrust
- Tone
- Torsion
- Total internal reflection
- Transformer
- Translucent
- Transmitter
- Transparent
- Transverse vibration
- Turbine
- Tuning fork
- Turning point
- Ultimate Stress
- Ultrasonic
- Ultrasonic Cleaners
- Ultrasonic Waves
- Ultrasound
- Ultraviolet
- Ultraviolet Radiation
- Ultraviolet Rays
- Umbra
- Unbalanced Force
- Uncertainty Principle
- Unit
- Universal Gravitation
- Unsaturated
- Up Quarks
- UV
- Vacuum
- Vacuum Brake
- Vacuum Tube
- Valence Electrons
- Valve
- Vaporization
- Vapour Pressure
- Vector
- Vector Addition
- Vector Resolution
- Velocity
- Velocity of Sound
- Vertical Motion
- Vibration
- Virtual Image
- Viscosity
- Visible Light
- Visible Radiation
- Visible Spectrum
- Vocal Chord
- Vocal Cords
- Volatile
- Volta Meter
- Voltmeter
- Volume
- Volume of A Cylinder
- Volume of Sphere
- Water Equivalent
- Water Level
- Water Wheel
- Wave Front
- Wave Length
- Wave Theory
- Wheel And Axle
- Winding and Axle
- Winding
- Wound
- Watt
- Watts
- Wave
- Wavelength
- Weak Force
- Weight
- White
- Work Function
- X Rays
- Xwell's Law of Induction
- Zero Error
- Zener Diode
Vocabulary Index
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