Science Words : Physics Vocabulary

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Science Words : Physics Vocabulary :

As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means
1. The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons

2. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined

3. The words of a language

We have collected almost all the words related to Science and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU.

Here is The Complete Lists.

  1. Aberration

  2. Absolute

  3. Absorptive Power

  4. Acceleration

  5. Accelerator

  6. Accelerometer

  7. Accessory

  8. Accommodation

  9. Action

  10. Adhesion

  11. Adiabatic

  12. Advantage

  13. Aerial

  14. Aeroplane

  15. Aileron

  16. Air Brake

  17. Air Pump

  18. Alternating Current

  19. Alternation

  20. Alternator

  21. Altimeter

  22. Amplifier

  23. Amplitude

  24. Analogy

  25. Analysis (Of Light)

  26. Angle of Contact

  27. Angle of Deviation

  28. Angle of Emergence

  29. Angle of Incidence

  30. Angle of Projection

  31. Angle of Reflection

  32. Angular Moment

  33. Angular Velocity

  34. Anode

  35. Anticlockwise

  36. Apparatus

  37. Apparent

  38. Apparent Expansion

  39. Arrestment

  40. Astigmatism

  41. Astronomical

  42. Astronomy

  43. Atmosphere

  44. Atom

  45. Atomic Number

  46. Automatic

  47. Auxiliary

  48. Axis of Mirror

  49. Balance Wheel

  50. Balancing Point

  51. Bar Magnet

  52. Barograph

  53. Baroscope

  54. Baroscopic

  55. Base

  56. Battery

  57. Beaker

  58. Beam of Balance

  59. Beam of Light

  60. Beats

  61. Bell Jar

  62. Belt (For Driving)

  63. Biconvex Lens

  64. Binding Energy

  65. Biding Screw

  66. Bioscope

  67. Black Body

  68. Block (Pulling)

  69. Bob

  70. Boiler

  71. Boiling Point

  72. Brake

  73. Brush

  74. Bulb

  75. Buoy

  76. Buoyancy

  77. Calibration

  78. Calliper

  79. Cam

  80. Capacitance

  81. Capillarity

  82. Carrier Waves

  83. Cathode

  84. Centre of Buoyancy

  85. Centre of Curvature

  86. Centre of Gravity

  87. Centre of Oscillation

  88. Centre of Pressure

  89. Centre of Suspension

  90. Centrifugal

  91. Centripetal

  92. Chromatic Aberration

  93. Chromo Sphere

  94. Chronometer

  95. Circulation

  96. Clamp

  97. Clip

  98. Clockwise

  99. Code

  100. Coefficient

  101. Cohesion

  102. Collination

  103. Collinator

  104. Collision

  105. Colour Blindness

  106. Commutator

  107. Compass

  108. Compass Needle

  109. Compass Points

  110. Compensated

  111. Components (Of Forces)

  112. Composition of Forces

  113. Compressibility

  114. Computer

  115. Concave

  116. Concave Lens

  117. Concave Mirror

  118. Concavo-Convex Lens

  119. Concurrent

  120. Condenser

  121. Conductance

  122. Conduction

  123. Conductor

  124. Conjugated Foci

  125. Connection in Parallel

  126. Constant

  127. Continuous Current

  128. Convection

  129. Convergent (Pencil)

  130. Convex Lens

  131. Convex Mirror

  132. Core

  133. Counter Clockwise

  134. Couple

  135. Couple Forces

  136. Coupling

  137. Crank

  138. Crests and Troughs

  139. Critical Angle

  140. Cross Section

  141. Cross Wire

  142. Cubical Expansion

  143. Declination

  144. Definition

  145. Deflection

  146. Demagnetization

  147. Density

  148. Depolarisation

  149. Depolariser

  150. Depression

  151. Detector

  152. Developer

  153. Deviation

  154. Dew-point

  155. Diagram

  156. Diaphragm

  157. Diatomic scale

  158. Dielectric

  159. Diffraction

  160. Direct current

  161. Directive property

  162. Disc

  163. Discord

  164. Displacement

  165. Divergent

  166. Divisibility

  167. Down stroke

  168. Ductility

  169. Ebullition

  170. Eccentric

  171. Efficiency

  172. Effort

  173. Elastic Fatigue

  174. Elasticity

  175. Electric Circuit

  176. Electric Charge

  177. Electric Current

  178. Electric Discharge

  179. Electric Field

  180. Electric Induction

  181. Electric Resistance

  182. Electric Shock

  183. Electrification

  184. Electrode

  185. Electro Motive Force

  186. Electrolysis

  187. Electrolyte

  188. Electron

  189. Electronics

  190. Electroplating

  191. Electroscope

  192. Elevator

  193. Elongation

  194. Emergent Ray

  195. Energy

  196. Equilibrant

  197. Equilibrium

  198. Exhaustion

  199. Expansion

  200. Eye Lens

  201. Eye Piece

  202. Fathometer

  203. Fatigue

  204. Film

  205. Fixed Point

  206. Fixing

  207. Flask

  208. Flexibility

  209. Flotation

  210. Flow

  211. Fluid

  212. Focal Length

  213. Focus

  214. Fog

  215. Force Pump

  216. Formula

  217. Freezing Mixture

  218. Freezing Point

  219. Frequency

  220. Friction

  221. Frictional Resistance

  222. Frost

  223. Fulcrum

  224. Fundamental

  225. Fuse

  226. Gaseous State

  227. Gauge

  228. Generator

  229. Graduation

  230. Grating

  231. Gravitation

  232. Gravity

  233. Grid

  234. Ground Glass

  235. Hail

  236. Hardness

  237. Harmony

  238. Heating effect

  239. Hinge

  240. Horse power

  241. Humidity

  242. Hydraulic brake

  243. Hydraulic press

  244. Hydro meter

  245. Hygrometer

  246. Hygrometric state

  247. Ignition

  248. Illuminative Power

  249. Impact

  250. Impulse

  251. Incandescence

  252. Incident Ray

  253. Inclination

  254. Inclined Plane

  255. Incompressibility

  256. Indestructibility

  257. Index

  258. Indigo

  259. Indivisibility

  260. Induced Magnetization

  261. Induction

  262. Induction Coil

  263. Inertia

  264. Inference

  265. Inflator

  266. Insulation

  267. Intensity

  268. Interaction

  269. Interference

  270. Interval

  271. Inverse Proportion

  272. Inverse Square Law

  273. Invisible Rays

  274. Ion

  275. Ionization

  276. Iridescence

  277. Isothermal

  278. Jet

  279. Jet Propulsion

  280. Joule

  281. Kelvin

  282. Kepler

  283. Key

  284. Kilogram

  285. Kilowatt Hour

  286. Kinematics

  287. Kinetic Energy

  288. Kinetic Theory

  289. Lactometer

  290. Laser

  291. Latent Heat

  292. Lateral Displacement

  293. Lateral Inversion

  294. Lathe

  295. Law of Conservation Of Energy

  296. Law of Inertia

  297. Law of Reflection

  298. Law of Universal Gravitation

  299. Lepton

  300. Lever

  301. Lifebuoys

  302. Light Emitting Diode

  303. Like Charges

  304. Like Poles

  305. Linear Accelerator

  306. Linear Expansion

  307. Liquefaction

  308. Liquid

  309. Liquid Crystal Diode

  310. Load Distance

  311. Load Force

  312. Loadstone

  313. Local Action

  314. Longitudinal Wave

  315. Loudness

  316. Lubricant

  317. Lumen

  318. Luminous Flux

  319. Lunar Eclipse

  320. Lux

  321. Magic Lantern

  322. Magnetic Field

  323. Magnetic Force

  324. Magnetic Induction

  325. Magnifying Power

  326. Magnitude

  327. Malleability

  328. Manometer

  329. Mass

  330. Matter

  331. Mechanical Advantage

  332. Medium

  333. Melody

  334. Melting Point

  335. Meniscus

  336. Microscope

  337. Minimum Deviation

  338. Mirage

  339. Mist

  340. Momentum

  341. Musical Note

  342. Myopia

  343. Natural Frequency

  344. Net Force

  345. Neutrino

  346. Neutron

  347. Newton

  348. Newton-Meter

  349. Newton's First Law Of Motion

  350. Newton's Second Law Of Motion

  351. Newton's Third Law Of Motion

  352. Nodal Lines

  353. Node

  354. Non-Metal

  355. Normal

  356. Nuclear

  357. Nuclear Chain Reaction

  358. Nuclear Decay Series

  359. Nuclear Energy

  360. Nuclear Fission

  361. Nuclear Fusion

  362. Nuclear Radiation

  363. Nucleons

  364. Nucleus

  365. Nuclide

  366. Objective

  367. Observation

  368. Octave

  369. Opaque

  370. Open Circuit

  371. Operational Definitions

  372. Optic Centre

  373. Optical Fibre

  374. Optics

  375. Orbital Motion

  376. Ordinary Hydrogen

  377. Organizing Data

  378. Ort Circuit

  379. Oscillation

  380. Oscillator

  381. Oton Bean

  382. Out's Hypothesis

  383. Overtones

  384. Parallax

  385. Partial Eclipse

  386. Particle

  387. Pendulum

  388. Penumbra

  389. Photometer

  390. Pitch of The Screw

  391. Pivot

  392. Plane

  393. Plane Mirror

  394. Pointer

  395. Polarisation

  396. Pole

  397. Porosity

  398. Positive Electricity

  399. Potential Energy

  400. Potentiality

  401. Power

  402. Pressure

  403. Principal Axis

  404. Pulley

  405. Pyknometer

  406. Quantized

  407. Quantum

  408. Quantum Mechanics

  409. Quantum Number

  410. Quantum of Light

  411. Quantum Theory

  412. Quarks

  413. Radiation

  414. Rain Gauge

  415. Reaction

  416. Reading

  417. Real Image

  418. Receiver

  419. Recoil

  420. Rectifier

  421. Reflection

  422. Refraction

  423. Refractive Index

  424. Refractometer

  425. Refrigerant

  426. Regulation

  427. Relative Density

  428. Relative Expansion

  429. Relative Humidity

  430. Relay

  431. Repulsion

  432. Reservoir

  433. Resistance

  434. Resolution of Forces

  435. Resonance

  436. Resting Point

  437. Resultant

  438. Retardation

  439. Rigidity

  440. Rim

  441. Rocket

  442. Rotatory Compressor

  443. Rudder

  444. Safety Fuse

  445. Satellite

  446. Saturation

  447. Screen

  448. Screw Thread

  449. Secondary Axis

  450. Sensitized

  451. Shaft

  452. Simple Pendulum

  453. Siphon

  454. Slide Valve

  455. Slit

  456. Snow

  457. Solenoid

  458. Solidify

  459. Solidity

  460. Sonometer

  461. Space

  462. Specific Gravity

  463. Specific Heat

  464. Spectrometer

  465. Spectroscope

  466. Spectrum

  467. Speed

  468. Spherometer

  469. Spiral Spring

  470. Statics

  471. Stopcock

  472. Stop Watch

  473. Suction Pump

  474. Suction Tube

  475. Surface

  476. Surface Tension

  477. Swing

  478. Sympathetic Vibration

  479. Synthesis of Light

  480. Tachometer

  481. Telescope

  482. Temperature

  483. Tension

  484. Terminal

  485. Theory

  486. Thermal capacity

  487. Thermal couple

  488. Thermodynamics

  489. Thermoscope

  490. Thermostat

  491. Thickness

  492. Thrust

  493. Tone

  494. Torsion

  495. Total internal reflection

  496. Transformer

  497. Translucent

  498. Transmitter

  499. Transparent

  500. Transverse vibration

  501. Turbine

  502. Tuning fork

  503. Turning point

  504. Ultimate Stress

  505. Ultrasonic

  506. Ultrasonic Cleaners

  507. Ultrasonic Waves

  508. Ultrasound

  509. Ultraviolet

  510. Ultraviolet Radiation

  511. Ultraviolet Rays

  512. Umbra

  513. Unbalanced Force

  514. Uncertainty Principle

  515. Unit

  516. Universal Gravitation

  517. Unsaturated

  518. Up Quarks

  519. UV

  520. Vacuum

  521. Vacuum Brake

  522. Vacuum Tube

  523. Valence Electrons

  524. Valve

  525. Vaporization

  526. Vapour Pressure

  527. Vector

  528. Vector Addition

  529. Vector Resolution

  530. Velocity

  531. Velocity of Sound

  532. Vertical Motion

  533. Vibration

  534. Virtual Image

  535. Viscosity

  536. Visible Light

  537. Visible Radiation

  538. Visible Spectrum

  539. Vocal Chord

  540. Vocal Cords

  541. Volatile

  542. Volta Meter

  543. Voltmeter

  544. Volume

  545. Volume of A Cylinder

  546. Volume of Sphere

  547. Water Equivalent

  548. Water Level

  549. Water Wheel

  550. Wave Front

  551. Wave Length

  552. Wave Theory

  553. Wheel And Axle

  554. Winding and Axle

  555. Winding

  556. Wound

  557. Watt

  558. Watts

  559. Wave

  560. Wavelength

  561. Weak Force

  562. Weight

  563. White

  564. Work Function

  565. X Rays

  566. Xwell's Law of Induction

  567. Zero Error

  568. Zener Diode

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