Reply to Congratulation Letters
This is the Reply to Congratulation Letters.
Mr. Arthur,
112/A45:KRS Towers,
22, Bangkok Road,
27th Sept. 2006.
Dear Arthur,
Reading your letter full of good words gives me happiness and fine feelings. Yes. Being a father of a child, especially a boy child, is a great gift that only a few are entitled with. Hereafter, I spend, my life time to see that my child grow to its full potential in all aspects and attain its best.
The help of my friends, like you, will be there standing by me to grow my child properly. I will unhesitatingly seek your help during the time of uncertainty to take a appropriate decision.
We are grateful to you for your wishes and greetings on the occasion of me becoming a father.
With Love.
(Signature of Bill)
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