Poem about September : September Changes.

Poem about September : September Changes. :

September is like no other

It's days change color and weather

No other month can say quite the same

For every day, I can feel the change

It's cool breezes start out warm,

Changing to cold throughout every storm

The leaves change and fall

As the Summer leaves and Autumn kisses us all

September maidens feel the change

Like the blue of the sky

Yet the color so deep

Unbelievable beauty

Maidens fall throughout and watch

Each raindropp changing through colors so fast

Yet one streak remains the same

Of that wonderful sapphire rain.

September, unlike any other

Holds you tight, in any weather.

Changes come, no matter where you go

North and you'll get stormy snow

South and feel the heat of summer coming

September does this, no matter what.

Change lives within, Nothing to stop

September is beautiful

And awesome all the same

It's hope for the future and the change

Comes swiftly as we sweep away

The Summer ends and the Autumn begins

Change is all around

With one maiden leaving

And yet, another comes

Born into the world

Of wonderful September

The sapphire skies live on

Through out this wonderful September

Jessica Millsaps

Poem about September : September Changes.

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