
English Grammar Index

Linkers :

Read the given passage and list out the linkers used.

Exercise : 1

But I was none the worse for abstaining from exercise. That was because I had read in books about the benefits of long walks in the open air, and having liked the advice, I had formed a habit of taking walks, which has still remained with me. These walks gave me a hardy constitution.

Answer : but, and, because, which

Exercise : 2

When I reached the thirteenth preposition of Euelid, the utter simplicity of the subject was suddenly revealed to me, A subject which only required a pure and simple use of one’s reasoning powers could not be difficult. Ever since that time Geometry has been both easy and interesting for me.

Answer : when, since, and

Exercise : 3

There was another such incident during the time when I was in the seventh standard. Dorabji Gimi was the headmaster then. He was popular among the boys though he was a disciplinarian. He was a man of method and a good teacher. He had made gymnastics and cricket compulsory for the boys of the upper standards.

Answer : when, then, and, though

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