Hoist Your Sail When The Wind Is Fair.

Hoist Your Sail When The Wind Is Fair. :

When sailing, we must always wait for the right sort of wind to blow before spreading the sails of our boat. It we spread the sails when there is no wind, the boat will not move at all. And if we spread the sails when the wind is blowing violently, instead of being able to sail we may end up in breaking our mass. But if we hoist sails when there is good wind the boat will move off and sail smoothly. Like this, we must always wait for the right time and opportunity to succeed in life. If we start anything at the right time, it will certainly become a success. Starting anything just by instinct and at an unsuitable time will only end up in failure. We must always try to dry hay when the sun shines. Instead, if we try to dry hay in winter or when the sun is not shining, we will not be able to get it dried. Everything in life has a ripe and suitable time for starting. We must always make use of the right opportunity and capitalize it to the fullest. All successful endeavors were started at the right time. Thus, as the proverb suggests, there is always a suitable time for everything, like hoisting sails when the wind is fair.

Hoist Your Sail When The Wind Is Fair.

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