Feminine Gender
Grammar Index : 2
Feminine Gender : A noun that denotes FEMALE SEX is called Feminine Gender.
Masculine Gender : A noun that denotes MALE SEX is called Masculine Gender.
The nouns with their equivalent Masculine Gender terms and Feminine Gender terms are here.
Masculine Gender : Feminine Gender
Boy : Girl
Lion : Lioness
Bull : Cow
Cock : Hen
Man : Woman
Master : Mistress
Father : Mother
Son : Daughter
Gentleman : Lady
Earl : Countess
Husband : Wife
Lord : Lady
King : Queen
Brother : Sister
Bachelor : Maid/Spinster
Drone : Bee
Gander : Goose
Stag : Hind
Monk : Nun
Sir : Madam
Uncle : Aunty
Nephew : Niece
Wizard : Witch
Hart : Roe
Drake : Duck
We can form the feminine gender by adding a syllable –ess.
Masculine Gender : Feminine Gender
Lion : Lioness
Count : Countess
Giant : Giantess
Priest : Priestess
Prophet : Prophetess
Poet : Poetess
Patriot : Patroness
Host : Hostess
Shepherd : Shepherdess
Steward : Stewardess
Author : Authoress
Manager : Manageress
Heir : Heiress
Jew : Jewess
Baron : Baroness
Peer : Peeress
We can form the feminine gender by adding a syllable –ess after dropping the ending vowel.
Masculine Gender : Feminine Gender
Negro : Negress
Abbot : Abbess
Emperor : Empress
Founder : Foundress
Hunter : Huntress
Tempter : Temptress
Master : Mistress
Actor : Actress
Benefactors : Benefactress
Instructor : Instructress
Conductor : Conductress
Lion : Lioness
Tiger : Tigress
Duck : Duchess
Enchanter : Enchantress
Songster : Songstress
We can form the feminine gender by adding either suffix or prefix.
Masculine Gender : Feminine Gender
Man-Servant : Maid-Servant
He-Goat : She-Goat
Cock-Sparrow : Hen-Sparrow
Bull-Calf : Cow-Calf
Grand-Father : Grant-Mother
Land-Lord : Land-Lady
Milk-Man : Milk-Maid
Pea-Cock : Pea-Hen
Grammar Index : 2
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