Called Eponyms, many words tell interesting tales about their origins. Wittingly or unwittingly, few people and places have left their names for posterity through words that were coined after them. These words are derived from the names of real, fictional, mythical or spurious persons, places or characters, although Eponyms come from the persons, surname.
Here is The List of Eponyms beginning with I.
Iris: Noun
1. A flat, colored ring-shaped membrane behind the comes of the eye, with an adjustable circular opening (the pupil) in the center of the eye
2. A plant, with showy flowers, typically purple or yellow and sword-shaped leaves
In Greek mythology, iris was the Goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the God.
Called Eponym, a word tells interesting tale about its origin.Wittingly or unwittingly, few people and places have left their names for posterity through words that were coined after them. These words are derived from the names of real, fictional, mythical or spurious persons, places or characters, although a Eponym comes from the person's surname.Here You could find a Eponym of your choice.
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