Discretion Is The Better Part Of Valour.
Discretion Is The Better Part Of Valour. :
Valour means boldness to face dangers. One who does not face dangers boldly is a coward. But if one foolishly faces danger, risking his life, it cannot be called a praiseworthy act. If he loses his life in the act, there will be nobody to receive praise. We know that lion is a dangerous animal. Going and standing before a wild lion is not bravery. It is foolishness. Using bravery cunningly is real valour. Before braving a danger, we should think and decide upon the safest way to face it. Once we decide on the safest way, we can act boldly. Thoughtless action, even if brave, may bring harm. It is always better to be a wise coward that a brave fool. If an elephant is charging at us, we must not stand on its path and face it bravely. We know that we are unable to overpower the charging elephant bare handed. So the best thing is to run for safety. Once we are safe where the elephant cannot harm us, it is all right to try some of the tactics to bring it under control.
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