Compound Sentence
A Compound-Sentence is made up of two or more Main Clauses joined together by coordinating conjunction and sometimes includes one or more Subordinate Clauses.
• The horse reared and the rider was thrown.
This sentence has two main clauses.
• They were font of music, played on various kinds of instruments and indulged in mush singing.
This sentence has three main clauses.
• They asked him, how he received the wound, but he refused to answer.
This sentence has two main clauses and one subordinate clause.
• He says what he means, and he means what he says.
This sentence has two main clauses and two subordinate clauses.
These sentences might have made it clear what a Compound-Sentence is.
The connection between two Main Clauses may be one of the following four kinds.
A Compound-Sentence is formed using one of the following four methods.
a. Copulative:
This way, the main clauses are simply coupled together.
• God made the country and man made the town.
• Napoleon was not only a great soldier; he was also a wise ruler.
• He can not speak, nor can he write.
• He plays the Piano, he sings also.
All these sentences are coupled together.
This type of coupling the two main clauses is called Copulative method.
b. Adversative:
Here, the two main Clauses are opposite in meaning to each other.
• He is slow but he is sure.
• I did my best nevertheless I failed.
• He is rich, yet he is not happy.
• He is vain, still his friends adore him.
Each of these sentences have two main clauses and they are opposite in meaning to each other.
c. Alternative or Disjunctive:
The way, the two main clauses are disjoined in meaning and a choice between them is offered for acceptance.
• She must weep, or she will die.
• Either he is mad or he feigns madness.
• Walk quickly; else you will not overtake him.
Each of these sentences has two main clauses and they are disjoined in meaning and a choice is made between them.
d. Illative:
IN this type, the second clause gets reference from the first clause.
• He is diligent, therefore he will succeed.
• He is unwell, so he can not attend his office.
• The angles are equal, therefore the sides are equal.
Here, each sentence has two main clauses. The second clause gets a reference from the first clause.
Few sentences need not have the conjunction to join the two main clauses;
• Her court was pure. Her life was serene.
• Temperance promotes health. Intemperance destroys it.
These sentences have two main clauses. Both of them are joined without any conjunction.
This analysis of compound-sentence will help you form the sentences in your writings as well as in speaking.
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