Common Noun
Grammar Index : 2
A common noun is a name given in common to persons and things belonging to the same species.
Examples :
A developed country has more responsibilities.
In this sentence, the word country is a common noun which could be used for other countries like India, England, Germany, Brazil etc…
I met your aunty.
In this sentence, the word aunty is a proper noun.
Birds fly in the sky.
In this sentence, the word birds is a proper noun.
The trees give us clean air.
In this sentence, the word trees is a proper noun.
The girl dances well.
In this sentence, the word girl is a proper noun.
Ajith saw an animal in the zoo.
In this sentence, the word zoo is a proper noun.
There are twelve apples in the tray.
In this sentence, the word tray is a proper noun.
The baby is playing with toys.
In this sentence, the word toys is a proper noun.
Aeroplanes fly high.
In this sentence, the word aeroplanes is a proper noun.
Mr. Nelson is going to the hospital.
In this sentence, the word hospital is a proper noun.
He is a peon in the post office.
In this sentence, the word post office is a proper noun.
Man, woman, city, fruit, tree, river, book, hotel, country, mountain are common nouns which we use in our day-to-day lives.
Regularly Used Common Nouns :
Actress King Queen
Brother Sister Aunty Uncle
Headmaster Headmistress
Man Woman God Goddess
Grandmother Grandfather Poet Poetess Village Street Avenue Lane Town
City School Market Station Shop Theatre Park Beach Temple Mosque
Bus Stand
Books Table Chair Fan Box Pen Pencil
Computer File Dress Ribbon Bat Ball
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