Difficult Words:
Blithe, Bourgeois, Bovine, Brevity, Broach and Bucolic
Difficult Words ( Blithe, Bourgeois, Bovine, Brevity, Broach and Bucolic) and their usages have been explained here in detail.
Blithe (blythe) adj: carefree; cheerful
The blither birds in the garden were making so much noise that Paul began to think about the shotgun in the attic.
The children were playing blithely in the hazardous-waste dump. While they played, they were bitterly unaware that they were doing something dangerous.
To be blithely ignorant is to be happily unaware.
Bourgeois (boor ZHWWAW) adj: middle class, usually in a pejorative sense; boringly conventional
The original bourgeoisie (BOOR zhwaw ZEE) were simply people who lived in cites, an innovation at the time. They weren't farmers and they weren’t nobles. They were members of a new class- the middle class. Now the word is used mostly in making fun of or sneering at people who seem to think about nothing but their possessions and other comforts and about conforming to other people who share those concerns.
A hip young city dweller might reject life in the suburbs as being too bourgeois.
A person whose dream is to have a swimming pool in his backyard might be called bourgeois by someone who thinks there are more important things in life.
Golf is often referred to as bourgeois sport.
Bovine (BOH vyne) adj: cow related; cow like
Cows are bovine. Obviously, eating grass is a bovine concern.
A fat or mooing person might be said to be bovine, too.
The woman's bovine figure made her very unpopular with the man sitting next to here on the airplane.
There are a number of similar wards based on other animals
Aquiline: eagle like
Asinine: ass like
Bovine: ox like
Canine: dog like
Corvine: deer like
Equine: horse like
Feline: cat like
Leonine: Lion like
Piscine: fish like
Porcine: pig like
Simian: monkey like
Ursine: bear like
Vulpine: fox like
Brevity (BREV i tee) n: briefness
The audience was deeply grateful for the brevity of the after dinner speaker's remarks.
The reader of this book may be grateful for the brevity of this example.
Broach (broach) v: to open up a subject for discussion, Often a delicate subject'
Henrietta was proud of her new dress, so no one knows how to broach the subject with here of how silly grandmothers look in leather.
Bucolic (byoo KOL ik) adj: charmingly rural; rustic; country like
The changing of the autumn leaves, old stone walls, distant views. And horses grazing in green meadows are examples of bucolic splendor.
The bucolic scene didn't do much for the city child, who preferred screaming fire engines and honking horns to the sound of a babbling brook.
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