Business Dictionary :
Bonanza and Bond

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Bonanza : noun : great wealth ; very profitable business

• The oil well was a bonanza for the company.

• 1984 was a bonanza year for the computer industry.

Bond : noun :

(a) contract document promising to repay money borrowed by a company or by the government

• Government Bonds

• Treasury Bonds

• Municipal Bond or local authority bond = bond issued by a town or district

(b) contract document promising to repay money borrowed by a person

Bearer Bond = bond which is payable to the bearer and does not have a name written on it

Debenture Bond = certificate showing that a debenture has been issued

Mortgage Bond = certificate showing that a mortgage exists and that property is security for it

Premium Bond = government bond part of the National Savings scheme which pays no interest, but gives the owner the chance to win a weekly or monthly prize

(c) Goods (held) in bond = goods held by the customs until duty has been paid

• Entry of goods under bond = bringing goods into a country in bond

• To take goods out of bond = to pay duty on goods so that they can be released by the customs

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