Business Dictionary : Blister Pack and Block
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Blister Pack : noun : type of packing where the item for sale is covered with a stiff plastic sheet sealed to a card backing
Block : noun :
(a) Series of items grouped together
• He bought a block of 6,000 shares. Block Booking = booking of several seats or rooms at the same time • The company has a block booking for twenty seats on the plane and ten rooms at the hotel. Block Vote = voting of a large number of votes at the same time (such as those of a trade union delegation) (b) series of buildings forming a square with streets on all sides • They want to redevelop a block in the centre of the town.
• A block of offices or an office block = a large building which only contains offices Block Capitals or Block Letters = capital letters (as A,B,C) • Write your name and address in block letters. Block : verb : to stop something taking place • He used his casting vote to block the motion.
• The planning committee blocked the redevelopment plan. Blocked Currency = currency which cannot be taken out of a country because of exchange controls • The company has a large account in blocked roubles. From Blister Pack and Block to HOME PAGE
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