Business Dictionary : Black
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Black : adjective : against normal or illegal
Black Market = buying and selling goods in a way which is not allowed by law (as in a time of rationing)
• There is a flourishing black market in spare parts for cars.
• You can buy gold coins on the black market.
• To pay black market prices = to pay high prices to get items which are not easily available
Black Economy = work which is paid for in cash and therefore not declared for tax In The Black = in credit • The company has moved into the black.
• My bank account is still in the black.
Black : verb : to forbid trading in certain goods or with certain suppliers • Three firms were blacked by the government.
• The union has blacked a trucking firm.
Blackleg : noun : worker who goes on working when there is a strike Black List : noun : list of goods or people or companies which have been blacked Blacklist : verb : to put goods or people or a company on a black list • His firm was blacklisted by the government. From Black to HOME PAGE
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