Business Dictionary :
Bear, Bearer and Bearing
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Bear : noun :
(a) large wild animal covered in fur
• Their advertising symbol is a bear. (b) (Stock Exchange) dealer who sells shares because he thinks the price will fall and he will be able to buy them again more cheaply later Bear Market = period when Stock Exchange prices fall because shareholders are selling Bear : verb : (a) to give interest • Government bonds which bear 5% interest (b) to have (a name) or to have something written on it • The cheque bears the signature of the company secretary.
• Envelope which bears a London postmark
• A letter bearing yesterday's date
• The share certificate bears his name (c) to pay costs • The costs of the exhibition will be borne by the company.
• The company bore the legal costs of both parties. NOTE : bearing - bore - has borne Bearer : noun : person who holds a cheque or certificate • The cheque is payable to bearer = amount can be paid to the person who holds it, but not to any particular name written on it Bearer Bond : noun : bond which is payable to the bearer and does not have a name written on it Bearing : adjective : which bears or which produces • Certificate bearing interest at 5%
• Interest-bearing deposits From Bear to HOME PAGE
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