Business Dictionary :
Basic, Basics and Basically
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Basic : adjective :
(a) Normal : basic pay or basic salary or basic wage = normal salary without extra payments : basic discount = normal discount without extra percentage
• Our basic discount is 20%. But we offer 5% extra for rapid settlement. (b) Most important : basic commodities = ordinary farm produce produced in large quantities (such as corn, rice, sugar, etc,) (c) Simple or from which everything starts • He has a basic knowledge of the market.
• To work at the cash desk, you need a basic qualification in maths. Basics : plural noun : simple and important facts • He has studied the basics of foreign exchange dealing.
• To get back to basics = to consider the basic facts again Basically : adverb : seen from the point from which everything starts BASIC : noun : BEGINNER'S ALLLPURPOSE SYMBOLIC INSTRUCTION CODE : simple language for computer programming From Basic to HOME PAGE
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